Little Too Much (Herring Revolution)

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 (I love making chapter titles way too much haha)

This is probably my favorite chapter so far!

Aleeza ignored the stares and gasps from people rushing to get away from her as she made her way through the little palace with her stars still on. You would think three days after the cut incident everyone would calm down, but apparently not.

It didn't matter. Aleeza was going to grab Genya and force her downtown. She was going to get some Kvas sure she never drank, but this seemed like the perfect opportunity to start. When she got into her room, she changed back into her purple Kefta, thinking it might be a little more inconspicuous for town.

She then willed herself to turn off the stars, feeling the rush of her emotions hit her like a smack to the face. She wanted to cry, she wanted to scream, but she wasn't going to. When Aleeza was determined, she was determined. So she made herself invisible and speed-walked over to the little palace.

She found Genya easily. "Are you free for the night?" Aleeza asked.

"What?" Genya said, startled, looking around for the cause of the noise.

Aleeza let down her invisibility, "Relax! it's just me."

"Oh, okay. What the heck are you doing here!?"

"I need some drinks, some strong drinks."

"Are you sure?" Genya asked, a little concerned.

"Yes, trust me. I am"

"Okay," Genya said, a smirk forming on her lips. "Let's go."

Aleeza's memory of that night after that point became fuzzy. She had to hear the story from others later. All she knew is her and Genya went to a pub frequently populated by Grisha, and Aleeza went up and asked for the strongest thing the bartender had.

Genya got something far less strong-they really weren't old enough to drink excessively. There weren't any laws against it in Ravka, though.

Aleeza then proceeded to chug her drink down, that part Aleeza remembered. It tasted awful, but she wanted its effects-she was desperate.

Then after about ten minutes or so of Genya being very concerned about Aleeza's sudden willingness to chug down the strongest drink available, Aleeza got drunk. Unbelievably drunk, so drunk it could be used as a horror story to teach people why not to drink.

When in the right mood, Aleeza could always be a little obnoxious. However, this was something completely else. She had no regard for what others thought of her. She snorted and laughed hysterically at every word the others said at her, even if it wasn't funny.

Aleeza could barely walk properly-nevertheless, she insisted on forcing a random tidemaker guy to dance with her. Not on the floor, no-that would be too simple but dancing on top of the bar counter. The bartender had to yell at her to get down, and after some persuasion, she finally grunted and complied.

"Come on, we have to go," Genya said, trying to get her out of the pub she had already made a scene.

"No come on Genya not yet!" Aleeza said. She started laughing as she shone a spotlight on herself. Instantly everyone turned at looked at her. "Waiter, another round on me! For everyone!"

The bar erupted into cheers.

"What!" Genya said, grabbing Aleeza's arm as she walked up to the bar counter. Aleeza ignored her and continued to get another drink and chug it down. She was surprisingly starting to get used to the taste.

"All right, all right, that's enough!" Genya pleaded as she tried to get Aleeza back home.

"No stayyyy, come on. We never get to have fun."

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