Star-Crossed Lovers

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When I woke up, I noticed the Drüskelle's arm was wrapped around me. That monster! I started to move, and he woke up. Immediately he removed his hand and got up from the bed.

At least he was as uncomfortable around me as I was him.

"Relax, this isn't where I have my way with you," I said, teasing as I remembered the cultural differences between Ravka and Fjerda.

"I can't wait to be back in my own bed."

"Yeah, I can feel just how much you hate sleeping next to me."

He turned his back and started to put on his clothes, which had dried overnight. "Why do you talk like that. You're so lewd it's unseemly. Women in Fjerda are modest and pious."

I laughed. "I know right! Hunting and killing people for sport so righteous."

"Not people-Grisha"

"Oh!" I said. "I get it. I'm not a person. "I-I'm a...flamingo!" I said, not entirely sure how to respond.

"And besides, it's what God intends."

"Oh yes, how could I be so forgetful? The 6th commandment thou shalt kill all Grisha." I mocked, knowing it was actually 'thou shalt not kill.'

"You're familiar with The Word?" he asked, confused.

"No. All Ravkans are heathens," I replied sarcastically.

"I'm serious," he asked.

"And what if I was? Would that convince you not to kill me all of the sudden?" I asked, annoyed with him.

"If you were familiar with The Word, you would not be Grisha," he said.

"And are you so sure? I don't recall any mention of Grisha whatsoever."

"But there is of Witches."

"I'm not a Witch."

"So you said."

"Witches and Grisha are nowhere near the same."

He narrowed his eyes at me. I don't think I convinced him, but he couldn't come up with a response. I was surprised I was having this argument with him. I didn't need to prove anything to anyone, especially him.

"Whatever," he replied. "Get ready we're leaving."

"Fine, but while I'm doing that. You search the hut."


Wasn't it obvious? "Maps, Food, Supplies?-"

"All right! All right, I get the point."

"Hmm," I sounded.

My dress, petticoat, and undergarments were all dry. However, they weren't comfortable. Did I really need to be wearing a corset at a time like this? Probably not, but it was still another layer against me and the cold.

I sighed and took a deep breath to calm myself when I realized I had to ask the idiot for help. I could take off a corset myself, but tieing it back up again was a different story.


"Yes?" he replied. I could still hear the irritation in his voice. We both disliked each other, and I was okay with that.

"I need you to tie-tie my corset," I said, shoving down my pride.

He gave out a single laugh as he came up behind me. "I thought Ravken women were so independent." he teased.

"I know I'm such a bad example for the rest of the Grisha. Anyone else would have strangled you in your sleep."

He huffed, "You couldn't if you tried"

Aleeza-the Star SummonerWhere stories live. Discover now