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"Zoya!" Feydor shouted.

"Hmm," Zoya said, scanning for who called her name, "Feydor, what's up?" she asked when she finally saw him.

"I would stick around and chat, but I'm on a mission. Aleeza-where is she?" Feydor asked.

"I think she left for Ketterdam."

Feydor's smile disappeared, "So soon?"

"Yeah, she was in a mood, very determined," Zoya replied, "Is she in trouble?"

"Maybe, I don't know. The General sent me to find her and bring her back. He didn't say why, only that it was urgent."

"You don't think she's running away, do you?"

Feydor shook his head, "I don't think so,"

Zoya debated telling him how strange Aleeza was acting the last time she saw her.

"Well, it's been nice to see you Zoya. Although it seems my chase has been prolonged, I must go."

What would Ivan do? Feydor asked himself as he bought a passageway on a ship that The Captain told him was headed for Kerch.

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Earlier, Aleeza had done the same. She caught a ship just as it was about to leave. Aleeza only made one stop before coming to the shipyard, a book store. She learned Kerch and knew enough to get by. However, she wasn't fluent.

So, in order to improve her language skills, she bought as many books in Kerch as she could find. She wished she hadn't packed so much stuff as she struggled with her suitcases.

When she was on the ship, she employed a Kerch man to help her with her accent. The guy was intimidated by Aleeza, but she didn't care. All she needed from him was accent help.

Her sea sickness was badddd. However, thankfully it disappeared on the second day of her adventure.

In fact, by the time the journey ended Aleeza felt much more confident in Kerch and her abilities. She tried practicing things she already knew were possible, like becoming invisible. And the opposite when she made herself sparkle, or at least that's what she called it.

It really wasn't that noticeable unless you were looking for it. Aleeza figured it was the opposite of invisibility. Invisibility made her not seen. Whatever she did to make herself sparkle was drawing attention to her.

She figured that when she got to Ketterdam, her new sparkling ability would help her gain even more attention.

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Feydor had made a slight error, he thought to himself. He wasn't exactly lied to-just not told the full truth. The ship he boarded was headed to Ketterdam, but only after stopping in Novyi Zen first.

It was taking far longer than excepted to fetch Aleeza for The Darkling.

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Invisibility, The Darkling thought that was new information. He demanded Genya tell him any information pertaining to Aleeza's powers; while most of it was a repetition of what he already knew invisibility was certainly news.

He could make himself invisible as well. It was a trick he learned once upon a time. In theory, a sun summoner could do so as well. It all made sense theoretically, but how her power manifested itself seemed odd. If she truly was a sun summoner, why didn't she ever actually summon light?

Instead, she was using different mediums, like diamonds, or now apparently going invisible. Goodness, he thought. It was even more complex to connect the dots that were Aleeza than he had previously thought.

Aleeza-the Star SummonerWhere stories live. Discover now