Morning Run

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Aleeza heard the knocking on her door early, really early, almost as early as Baghra had woken her up during her monthly "training" sessions. She was disappointed The Darkling actually went through with his threat to make her go on a morning run. However, if it meant she got to spend more time with him, was it really a punishment?

That thought lasted approximately five minutes as she concluded that it indeed was still definitely a punishment. Even The Darkling couldn't make going on a run tolerable.

The Darkling was enjoying himself too much, Aleeza thought as he subjected her to run around the palace grounds. A few early-rising Girsha were out and seemed very interested in the spectacle they were making.

"Look, you can see where we started just to make it there and we're done!" The Darkling promised as he tried urging Aleeza to continue running. She'd stopped again, begging him to let her stop.

She waited a few seconds to catch her breath before continuing the last few feet to where they started. The Darkling chuckled as she immediately dropped to the floor after finishing. He could hear her panting loudly, trying to recover.

As Aleeza said, she'd never run before, and now her head was pounding. She felt like throwing up, though she didn't think she actually would, or at least she hoped.

The Darkling sat down behind her and brushed a piece of hair out of her face. Aleeza was jealous looking over at him, he didn't have a hair out of place, nor was he wasn't tired. He looked flawless like he never went on a run at all.

"Come on, let's get you back inside," The Darkling got up and offered her his hand to help pull her off the ground.

Aleeza grunted and took it as he escorted her back to her room. He said goodbye and told her he'd see her later that day for more training. Thankfully it wasn't going to be another run.

When the Darkling returned to his work, he heard the news of an urgent situation unforming. It was something that couldn't wait. Luckily it was close. If he resolved it efficiently, he could be back home in two-maybe three days. He didn't want to waste any time, so he ordered Ivan to ready his horses immediately.

He knew what had to be done with Aleeza, he didn't particularly enjoy the idea, but it was the right thing to do. Aleeza needed to continue her training, especially after her incident. Only one person had any chance at teaching her control.

So as much as he hated it, he had to subject poor Aleeza to his mother's antics. However much it painted him to admit it, she was a better teacher than him. Besides, it would only be for what-two training sessions?

He wrote a letter to Baghra with numerous threats and warnings not to try anything with her and only teach her. Ugh, he knew there was no way to force his mother to do anything. If she wanted to mess stuff up, she could. He just prayed she wouldn't.

He then wrote a second shorter note to Aleeza, letting her know she was training with Baghra for the next few days. He also wished her luck with Bodkin, knowing how much she hated it.

When Aleeza heard the knocking of one of The Darkling's oprichniki delivering her a note, Aleeza smiled. She guessed the Darkling wanted to apologize for putting her on a run how considerate, but next time he should just skip the run altogether, she thought sarcastically. However, her smile faded, and she started moving the shadows closer to herself as she read.


You're gonna have to train with Bagrah for the next few days, sorry. Good luck training with Bodkin.

Aleeza's heart dropped as she re-read the letter. He didn't even tell her in person? He was so horrified by her cut fiasco that he wanted her to train with someone else-Baghra of all people. It didn't make any sense-he seemed pretty chill about the cut situation, and now he wants her to train with Baghra!

Not even that, but he added good luck training with Bodkin? What kind of mockery teasing was that? Ugh, he must be annoyed with being forced to spend so much time with her and finally gave up, but he couldn't be he told her-Ugh. Aleeza didn't want these emotions. She didn't want to think about it any longer, so she let out her stars.

༶•┈┈ ♛ ┈┈•༶

The rest of that day and the next were awful for Aleeza. Everyone had been avoiding her, terrified of her cut incident, especially during combat training. The rest of the Grisha stayed at least 6 feet away from her at all times. The only one who unfortunately didn't get intimidated was Bodkin, who continued to keep up his torture methods.

Baghra-she didn't even want to talk about Baghra. She was the worst-her strategy was to rile Aleeza up, then bully her even more when she subconsciously used her power to control the shadows.

"Don't gather the shadows. Control your temper!" Baghra said.

However, Aleeza wasn't as timid as she was before. She yelled right back at Baghra, attempting to insult her however she could, insulting her stupidly hot hut, insulting the way she designed the shack, and insulting the fact she lived in a hovel in the first place.

Pretty much all of her insults were about the hut. However, Baghra didn't seem to care. She just laughed and called her a privileged spoiled brat or something every time. And boy, was it working-Aleeza was mad. She had to sit on her hands in an effort to avoid using the cut.

Baghra noticed and teased her even more for it. Aleeza pointed out that it wasn't a good idea to make her upset in an effort to intimidate her by threatening her with the cut. Unfortunately, Baghra was less than nervous.

She could cut her down right there. Baghra would be no more, Aleeza had no reason to care whether or not Baghra was alive. Even the thought of merely wishing death on someone made her feel guilty. Ugh-if it weren't for her stupid morals, Baghra would have been gone a long time ago.

Baghra kept insulting her ability to control the Volcra like it was a bad thing. Aleeza kept arguing that if she cared at all about Ravka she would be thrilled with her power and what it could mean. Baghra just scoffed, "foolish girl."

"Ugh, I've had it. I'm leaving!" Aleeza said, ready to stand up.

"You can't leave. We're not done yet."

"Says who?" Aleeza said she could feel the shadows gathering on her, there was so much it wasn't even just on her face anymore. Her entire kefta was drenched in shadows, you couldn't even see the gold and silver embroidery anymore. Little did she know Baghra was finally summoning for the first time in forever, just to give Aleeza more to move.

"Me, and if it means more to you so did your general. Even he gave up training you." Baghra scoffed.

The words hit Aleeza harder than they should have. She released her stars.

Baghra scoffed again. "You need to get them in check. No one wants you summoning all willy-nilly."

"Oh, I knew I summoned them, and guess what Baghra? I. Don't. Care." Aleeza said as she stomped out of there and shut the door.

Baghra remained in thought, her son had much more control over his shadows, but even he couldn't stop summoning when he was over enraged. His attitude was more or less the same, he didn't care that he summoned them.

They were similar, too similar. Aleeza would carry out whatever orders the Darkling would give her, and she would be glad to do so. Something needed to be done.

Aleeza was a mess. She was grateful it was still bright outside at the late hour it was. The sun prevented her stars from being too noticeable as they followed her trek back into the little palace. She was upset, and rightfully so.

The Darkling had stopped talking to her for the past two days. Off doing who knows what without even the courtesy of informing Aleeza. The period where it seemed everything would be okay was long in the past. Aleeza needed to use the cut or make even more stars. However, she knew none of those options were going to work. There was only one thing she needed right now. 

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