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Here's the soundtrack from the show for you guys to enjoy. It's by far my favorite soundtrack in the show and plays during a similar scene occurring between Matthias and Nina. In my story, Nina doesn't get captured, and instead Aleeza does-enjoy :)

If you want an even better experience, wait until I say so before starting the music, then listen as you continue reading.

Aleeza needed her power now. However little she understood of it, she knew it was there. She knew it had always been there, and she knew she could call it if only her hands weren't bound above her head separated.

Most of the Grisha around her looked dead or close to it. It wasn't hard to see why with their hands lifted high above their heads. She'd lost feeling in them hours ago. It seemed the Drüskelle had no intentions of giving them basic human needs, like food or even a bathroom.

Aleeza wasn't sure how long she could last like this. It was cold, and her ballroom Kefta wasn't built for warmth. To top it all off, her sea sickness was worse than it ever had been. She was back on a ship headed to Fjerda, no doubt where she would be executed.

However, she wasn't even sure she could make it to Fjerda. She was sure she would just die there chained up like an animal.

She knew there was always a potential for danger, but the more she thought of it, she realized how risky it was for her to be parading around in Ketterdam, letting the whole Island know she was Grisha. Did The Darkling do that on purpose?

She started quietly crying to herself when she heard someone open the door and start walking down the steps to where she was being locked up.

Aleeza weakly lifted her head to see that a Drüskelle was walking towards her with some food in his hands.

"I thought you might be hungry," he said, offering her the food.

Aleeza lifted up her, eyebrows confused. No Drüskelle would show a Grisha kindness, especially her. Until she realized. "It's likely poisoned."

The Drüskelle took a bite of the food he brought, "I can keep eating it if you prefer."

Aleeza was skeptical about why the man was being somewhat kind to her-there had to be a reason. A catch, but whatever he wanted, she wouldn't give him. And besides, she needed the food. So she reluctantly ate.

"Now I have some questions."

There it was, the catch. Aleeza wasn't going to tell him anything useful though she wasn't a traitor.

"What are you?"

Aleeza thought there was no harm in trying. "I'm not Grisha. You've made a mistake surely-"

"I think the whole of Kerch would disagree."

She didn't know how to play her cards, maybe if she convinced the fool she wasn't Grisha he would let her go?

"I'm a part of the second army, but I've never been able to Fabricate. I can't make Grisha steel or even open a Grisha lock. I promise you I'm not a fabricator." What she said was somewhat true.

The Drüskelle seemed like he was considering this-surely it wouldn't be that easy. "Why do you think I was sent to Ketterdam to attend parties?" Aleeza continued.

"Quiet-what you are is a witch. Now I have some questions about Your General. The Darkling-"

"Stop," Aleeza said weakly. "I'm not going to be a traitor. I'm not telling you anything. Thank you for the food but unless you plan to set me free, just leave me alone."

Aleeza-the Star SummonerWhere stories live. Discover now