Are we There Yet?

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The ride passed in a blur of discomfort and the occasional pleasing scenery. Aleeza was incredibly relieved that Ivan didn't say a word to her. Maybe he was too intimidated by the huge amount of power she now possessed, Aleeza thought to herself in triumph.

However, no one was talking at all. So Aleeza found herself bored again. Until she remembered she hadn't annoyed the Darkling with her game again in quite some time.

"Are we there yet?" Aleeza asked sarcastically. She had been asking the Darkling every hour or so.

The Darkling paused briefly before answering. Aleeza had seemed to invent a new game if that's what you'd like to call it. Aleeza would get bored and ask, "Are we there yet?" It was very childish, and Aleeza knew it. However, the Darkling was amused by it. Every time she asked, he would give her a different answer.

"Yes, we were there." He said, motioning to behind them on the trail. He waited until the horse moved forward a bit before gesturing to their new spot on the road. "But now we're here."

He chuckled inwardly, that was probably his best reply yet. Aleeza smiled. Her game was passing the time beautifully.

At first, the Darkling was concerned about Aleeza's proneness to boredom. However, he found himself amazed at the methods she used to entertain herself. They were simple but seemed to bring Aleeza so much joy. Even making the Darkling, who vowed never to be happy until he carried out his fold plan, found himself amused-delighted, happy whatever word you chose to call it. Despite the fact that Aleeza was clearly a privileged, spoiled child, he loved her sarcastic but genuine attitude it was a good mix.

A few more hours passed, and the sun was beginning to set. They were all waiting for the Darkling to announce to start making camp. However, he never did, and Ivan finally got up the nerve to ask.

The Darkling simply shook his head and informed everyone he wasn't going to waste any more time. Great, Aleeza thought, imagining herself stuck in a saddle the whole night. At least she wasn't doing anything-she could just go to bed... except the movement from the horse and sitting upright made it nearly impossible.

As Aleeza was trying to get herself comfortable, she stopped when she realized they arrived in Os Alta. Sure, the out layers-but soon they would pass the bridge and would truly be in Os Alta. Her suffering was almost over!

Not long after, the Grand Palace where the King lived began to come into view, and Aleeza smiled at the sight of finally almost being home. She realized she forgot about her little game,

"Are we there yet?" she enthusiastically said with obvious sarcasm.

"Unless you're mistaking the most hideous building I've ever seen with The Little Palace."

"'re right," Aleeza said looking at it intensely. "The king must have been severely drunk when ordering the entire royal coffers to be melted down into the walls." She mocking the extensive use of gold and other materials that didn't look good together, their only purpose being to show off.

The Darkling smiled. He was glad Aleeza was on the same page as him. He really did think the building was utterly hideous. Grand was by far a too generous word for what the hideous and tacky display of wealth it was. When he became King, one of the first things he would do would be to tear it down or completely redecorate it.

Then, at last-they made it through the gates to the little palace. The Darkling stopped his horse and finally ended their game. "We're here," he announced, giving one of his rare smiles, glad to finally end the game.

But his expression quickly went blank as he remembered he would have to get Aleeza off her horse again. You would think getting off was easier than getting on-but not for her.

Aleeza-the Star SummonerWhere stories live. Discover now