All Aboard!-(the skiff)

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Aleeza's carriage reached the military base on the edge of the fold. When asked if she wanted to make camp earlier, she shook her head; she was too high on adrenaline. When she finally arrived, she made her way to the Grisha pavilions demanding that she would be put on the next available skiff.

Luckily she didn't have to wait long. When she was aboard the skiff, she didn't even feel nervous-she was readier than she had ever been in a long time. She waved to Zoya, who would soon use wind to push the skiff. Aleeza didn't doubt how confused she must have been to see her aboard. It all seemed to be going smoothly getting out of the dry docks-until it stopped. The front of the half of the skiff was already in the fold, but where Aleeza was towards the back-she was still free."

"Zoya?" Aleeza shouted, she couldn't see her through the fold.

"The sail broke. There's a cut right down the middle. I can't move us." Zoya announced to everyone.

Oh great, Aleeza thought. She was less than a foot away from being in the fold. Most people at the front of the skiff retreated back out of the fold. But instead, Aleeza reached out her hand, wanting to touch it-the fold.

It felt weird brushing up against her skin until it moved back as if it was avoiding her hand. She felt something-was she doing that?

She was trying to pay more attention to the stuff she had been subconsciously doing to avoid setting off fires. Her new awareness made her realize something was off.

She waved her hand; her hand was definitely moving the fold. Sure it was only the small section around her hand but still... She looked around at the first army soldiers cowering away from the fold. She forcefully grabbed one of their hands. "You, I need you to test something for me."

She hoped that being Grisha would be enough for the soldier not to question her as she forced him to put his hand out and touch the fold. The fold did not avoid his hand like it did her own. She smiled, probably looking insane messing around with The Fold while they were stranded-but Aleeza didn't care.

"Aleeza, you're the only fabricator here. Can you at least fix a sail?" Zoya asked.

Am I? Aleeza responded in her head.

Zoya walked out of the fold and pushed Aleeza back in with her. Thankfully nothing out of the ordinary happened when she stepped foot in it.

"I can't fix a sail. There's a reason I was so bad at Fabricating," Aleeza replied.

"Then why are you here?" it was clear Zoya was upset.

"I-it doesn't matter. You need to have a real fabricator come and fix it" Aleeza involuntary smiled, she wasn't a fabricator. There's a reason she was so bad at it-she could do other stuff-unique stuff. And she was finally gonna force people to believe it.

The crew signaled to people at the edge of the dry docks attempting to tell them the situation-it was a big mess that took a while to sort out. But eventually, they did get someone up there to fix it.

The ride went smoothly after that, thankfully-Aleeza was on edge the whole time but didn't use her abilities.

As soon as they reached the other side of The Fold, Aleeza signaled for help getting her stuff off the Skiff. However, she had only one thing on her mind, she needed to talk to Zoya to convince her she wasn't a Fabricator. No one had ever believed her before when it came to her powers, not her mom, not Baghra. She needed Zoya to believe her, she felt so anxious Aleeza thought she might throw up.

But pressure and adrenaline meant Aleeza made more accidents which would be helpful, especially when she wanted to convince someone she wasn't a fabricator.

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