A Priority Mission

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This chapter is a lot longer than I intended-enjoy!

The next day Baghra woke Aleeza up early-odd. She had already done that once this month. Baghra had gone too far this time, Aleeza thought. She had acquired handcuffs with a Grisha lock, only able to be opened by Fabricators. In a trick to prove Aleeza was a Fabricator, Baghra had placed them on her and stated that Aleeza was perfectly capable of freeing herself at any time she wanted. That was untrue, though.

Aleeza knew she was hopeless when it came to opening Grisha locks and had pleaded with Baghra. Attempting to make her understand it was hopeless though Baghra didn't listen.

Great, Aleeza thought as she walked around the Little Palace halls with her arms bound in cuffs. She looked even more out of place than she normally did. She did try to free herself, but she never even came close.

She knew she had to go see what The Darkling wanted her to do for the day, but she couldn't bring herself to show up like this. After contemplating it, she got aggravated and concluded that Baghra's methods were ridiculous.

She wasn't in training anymore. She didn't have to put up with this. So instead, she marched to the fabricator workshops. She was sick of letting other people determine her course in life.

They all stared at her when she reached the doorway. Everyone's fear of Aleeza exploding stuff could work in her favor if she played her cards right.

"Someone open this Grisha lock, or we will have to rebuild the Grisha workshops," Aleeza stated, "again," she added for effect.

They all stopped what they were doing.

"She told us not to,"

"Who?" Aleeza asked, already frustrated. The dark circles had returned to her eyes, and Aleeza felt it. I must look completely mad, she thought.

"Ba-Baghra," a few people whispered under their breaths while avoiding eye contact with Aleeza.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She felt power coursing through her veins, ready to unleash itself. But she didn't actually want to destroy the workshops, so she just stormed out of there.

What the heck do I do now?

Aleeza grunted as she made her way to the war room and went inside looking for Ivan to tell him she was out of commission for the time being.

Ivan was currently talking to The Darkling. Lovely, now they would both know about her embarrassing situation.

As soon as she walked in, she sensed their eyes drawn to her bound hands. "It seems I'm going to be even less help than normal today," Aleeza said, laughing awkwardly, attempting to lighten the mood.

Ivan started bawling-he was in hysterics. The Darkling gave what would have been considered a slight smile, but considering his face never showed any emotion that was saying something. "How did you manage to get yourself into that?" The Darkling questioned her. His tone was odd Aleeza couldn't place it.

"Baghra believes she's not imprisoning me since I am 'perfectly capable of getting free myself,"' Aleeza said, mocking Baghra's voice. Her impression was pretty good.

The Darkling let out a laugh, a lovely dark sound that rippled through the air. It was the first and only time Aleeza figured she would hear that sound. She couldn't help but chuckle along due to the absurdity of the situation.

When The Darkling's humor ran out, he quickly waved a hand to dismiss Aleeza, and she searched for tools capable of sawing through her cuffs.

The Darkling never laughed, any emotion he refused to show, especially laughter. And here he was laughing the hardest he had in years. Aleeza reminded him of someone... He really needed to get Aleeza away from him. He cursed under his breath, remembering what he wanted to tell her. He had a new assignment for her-it was perfect.

Aleeza-the Star SummonerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora