Baghra, Naps, and Small Talk

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The Darkling didn't regret deciding to make Aleeza's Kefta black. He knew no one else was fit to share his color. And no one ever will be they were unique, the only two eternal Grisha besides... Baghra.

He needed to go see her, needed to go make himself painfully clear. If she interfered with his Star Summoner again, she would suffer consequences. He didn't care that she was his mother; he was prepared to do whatever was necessary if she robbed him of either Aleeza's power or herself.

The Darkling was struggling to keep his anger and shadows inside him as ripped open the door to her hut.

Baghra heard what happened on the Fold with Aleeza and was speechless. She hid Aleeza because she feared she would one day become powerful enough to push the fold into new territory while standing outside of it.

Meaning Aleksander could carry out his plan without having either of them step foot inside the fold. However, now for whatever in the small science, she was able to command the Volcra? It was far worse.

She lowered the cup of tea she was drinking as her door aggressively opened. Only one person could have done it.

"Have you heard?" The Darkling asked furiously.

"The stunt she pulled at the fold?" Baghra asked calmly.

"No, what happened before," he said, fuming.

Baghra blinked. She didn't know, but she was sure he would tell her.

"She was captured by Drüskelle. It's a wonder she's alive. She could have been killed."

Baghra scoffed. It wouldn't have been the end of the world. Perhaps even for the better, it would save the world from her son ever gaining access to Aleeza's power.

"All because of your reckless interference with my plans. You never-"

"Did you destroy the whole of Fjerda just to get to her?"

"Your lucky I didn't have to." he replied coldly. "her ship crashed, and she managed to fall in love with a Drüskelle." He spat, blaming her for the whole ordeal.

Baghra cackled. She didn't expect that. "Jealous?" She teased her son.

He lurched forward in anger but stopped himself. "Of what the Fjerdan? He tried to kill her, ambushing our carriage with a hoard of his fellow rats. I had to use the cut on him. What I am is furious- At. You. I don't want you anywhere near Aleeza. I don't want you to see her or speak even one word to her. If you do, I will not hesitate to retaliate with whatever punishment I deem necessary. And you know to believe me when I say I'll show no mercy."

The Darkling was about to leave, hoping his point had been made clear. Baghra understood just fine, but it didn't mean she would listen. She still knew how to push her son's buttons.

"She won't trust you. She won't trust anyone, especially after what happened with the Drüskelle. Her power is dangerous, and she has no control over it. It's all controlled by her emotions. Those stars are a release of emotions, extreme emotions. Whenever she gets overly upset or excited-they'll go off, and she can barely control it. If you give her an amplifier, there's no telling when she might lash out. With her stars, it could be tolerable, but the cut's a different story." Baghra huffed with some genuine concern.

"I'll just have to teach her how to control it then. It's nothing that can't be fixed." The Darkling replied coldly, not taking the bait.

"That girl doesn't even know who she is. Do you know why she goes to dances and tea parties? Because they were all fake, she was playing a part-the only part she knew she was capable of playing. Now she has no idea what game she's playing, and she is no doubt terrified."

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