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After a restless night, Aleeza woke up early and couldn't get back to sleep. She tried to ignore the part of her consistently thinking about everything falling apart if and when her family became Grisha. She imagined her sister wasn't just a stupid star summoner-instead was the legendary Saint, a sun summoner.

Who in their right mind would settle for stars when you could have the sun?

Aleeza would be forgotten; her power could only subdue The Fold, making it easier for people to cross. However, a sun summoner could destroy it. A sun summoner would be a saint, worshiped, ugh. Aleeza pleaded with her mind not to think about it. It would be a while before Ivan returned to the Little Palace, and chances were they weren't Grisha.

However, she still couldn't shake the anxiety that tormented her. Thankfully a servant knocked, and Aleeza opened the door to see her new Kefta. She thanked the servant while staring at it, unable to take her eyes off it.

The embroidery was a combination of silver and gold. It had the traditional Kefta pattern. But interwoven into it were beautiful stars-it was perfect.

Aleeza wanted to squeal with excitement. She was going to stand out in a good way. About to try it on, Aleeza hesitated, she knew Genya would come for their usual breakfast endeavors, and she thought it was best to wait. She didn't want to flaunt her new colors around Genya, it would make her feel guilty.

So she continued wearing her night robe as she and Genya laughed and talked while devouring the petit flours and various sweets that Genya had acquired. Their breakfasts hardly classified as breakfast food, almost always being desserts and confections. A fact that neither of them mined.

They both seemed to be accepting the fact everything had changed. Genya was still jealous but knew it wasn't Aleeza's fault.

"Ugh, I have to tend to her royal stupidness," Genya grumbled as she looked at the time.

"Bye! Good luck!"

"Thanks, you too," Genya replied as she walked out the door.

Once she left, Aleeza finally took the Kefta and put it on. She admired how it looked in the mirror. Then she decided to put her hair up in a simple braid, which probably would be better for fighting or running, Aleeza thought with a quake.

She was not going to enjoy this part of her training at all. Leaving her room, she walked down the corridor and turned into the main hallway.

She heard people audibly gasp as they saw her in the Darkling colors. No one else was permitted to wear black besides The Darkling up until now. Aleeza kept her head high as she walked out to the training rooms.

When she got there, she stood next to the other Grisha, also waiting to train. Aleeza overheard an inferni, Marie telling the story of Aleeza's fire incident. The time she almost burnt down the forest.

Aleeza was friends with Marie for a time, but they had long since stopped talking. The fact that she was still openly telling embarrassing stories about her made Aleeza hurt.

Before, she probably would have let it pass, but now she was a Star Summoner, the first of her kind, wearing black. She didn't deserve to be disrespected like that.

"Hey, you. Next to Nadia," she said, pretending she didn't know Marie's name.

Marie looked surprised and motioned to herself, mouthing the words "Me?"

"What's your name?" Aleeza asked sweetly with a fake smile on her face.

"Uh... Marie?" She answered nervously.

"Marie... I'll remember you," Aleeza said, giving her a smirk.

Marie looked horrified, Aleeza almost regretted doing it. However, she hoped she got the point across, meaning she wouldn't have to do it again.

Aleeza-the Star SummonerWhere stories live. Discover now