Pillow Forts | child Lafayette and child Hamilton

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Alternate title: Lafayette teaches you how to build a fort. Take notes.
Time: present:
Lafayette age: 8
Hamilton age: 8
Washington age: 47
Context: just pillow forts. This is pretty much pure fluff. For extra context: Martha and George adopted Lafayette when he was 6, and Hamilton was adopted 3 weeks before this story takes place.

Third person narrative:

"Alex!! You wanna build a pillow fort with me? It's really snowy today so it would be fun!" Lafayette ran to his brother, Alexander. Alexander looked confused. "What's that?" Lafayette was shocked. "Oh my gosh you don't know about pillow forts?! Me and Hercules make one together every time I go to his house. We can watch movies in it!" That was enough to convince Alexander. He stopped writing and followed his brother to the living room. "Ok. Now we're gonna take this blanket over the TV, and attach it to this couch here. Ok." Alexander did as Lafayette said.  "Alright. Now can you get 3 chairs from the dining room?" this puzzled Alexander. "Won't we get in trouble though?" Lafayette shook his head. "As long as we put them back I don't think so. I've never done this here." Alexander shrugged and went to get the chairs.  "Ok. Now we turn them away from the fort, and put the blanket over the backs. Now, get those pillows from the couch. Wait no. Those are scratchy. Get pillows from my bed, then your bed." Alexander ran off to get the pillows. While he was up there, he thought about this. Lafayette was a super awesome brother. This was the most fun he's had in a long time. Alexander stopped thinking and hurried to go to his own bedroom for pillows. When he gets downstairs, he sees Lafayette talking to Martha. Alexander was scared. What if she hates the pillow fort? What if she's mad? "Oh hello Alex! I like your pillow fort!" Alexander smiled at his nickname. "Just make sure you boys clean it up when you're done" Alexander nodded. He ran down the stairs, which got Martha to immediately tell him to be careful. He gave Lafayette the pillows. "Ok. Now we're gonna decorate the fort with these pillows. We're going to start by laying them on the floor so it's soft. Then, after the floor is completely covered, we can line the edges of the fort with them. Ok... Now let's get stuffed animals!!" they both ran upstairs and got them. After lining the fort with stuffed animals, Alexander took his stuffed lion and held it close to him.  They watched Captain America Civil War, then The Little Mermaid. After dinner they kept watching movies. They were so busy watching movies they didn't even notice that George was home around 8. George smiled when he walked in the living room and saw their bonding experience. It was sweet.

At nine o'clock, Martha told them to go to bed, and they could clean up the fort tomorrow.

At 10, Alexander woke up and heard something from Martha and George's tv in their room. One thing that George did was have the TV turned up WAY too loud. And this was only on Thursdays because all the other days of the week he's home for dinner. Alexander heard the weather lady say something about a flood. (Apparently the snow had turned to rain, and it was a lot). Alexander immediately started crying silently. Neither of the Washingtons or Lafayette knew about his fear of storms. Alexander began to feel sick. The room was spinning, and every few seconds a flashback would play in his mind. He was 6 when a hurricane destroyed his town. He heard the rain hit the window and with that his breath was gone. He fell into a full blown panic attack.
Martha and George immediately knew something was wrong. They both heard crying. "I'll get it honey, you just relax" George said as he stood up and walked down the hall. He quickly went into Alexander's room and found him crying with his knees pulled up to his chest. George was unsure of what to do, he didn't want to startle Alexander so he just walked over to his bed, sat down, and put his arm around him. It was the first time they had hugged each other. Soon enough, Alexander wrapped his hands around George's waist, and leaned on his chest. He felt safe. His loud sobs died down into small hiccups, and his breathing was normal again.  "You alright son?" Alexander shook his head. His throat hurt too much to speak. "Can you sleep ok?" Alexander shook his head again. "I have an idea. Can I pick you up?" Alexander nodded. George picked him up, and carried him downstairs. On the way down, he grabbed Lafayette's noise cancelling headphones from his room and put them on Alexander so he wouldn't hear the storm. Then he walked into the living room, put Alexander down, and went into the pillow fort. Alexander followed him. George put on a Batman movie and soon they both fell asleep.
Martha was unsure where her husband went, so she checked downstairs and saw him with their son inside the pillow fort. She couldn't help but smile. Alexander was cuddled up next to George, and they were both sleeping. It was adorable.

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