Only genius in town | Hamilton

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Time: Present

Hamilton age: 10

Washington age: 42

Context: Nerdilton. Just find out that one for yourself, because it took me about ten seconds to think of that one.  I guess the real summary would be Hamilton is too smart for Jefferson to comprehend. 

Third person pov:

"Mr King! I finished my homework last night!" Alexander ran to his teacher, Mr King. "Alexander, this is due next month. What, do you want extra points for turning it in early? You're just making your classmates look bad. Do you want me to send a note home?" Mr King scolded. "No... I didn't mean to do anything wrong." He tried to reason with his teacher. "Well, you did. Nice job." Mr King said sarcastically. Alexander just sadly walked to his seat and sat down. It wasn't long until Thomas Jefferson started annoying him. "Wow, Hamilton is so smart, I think his head exploded!" Thomas's whole group laughed. "Shut up!" Alexander groaned. "Mr King! Alexander told me to shut up! Send him to the office!" Thomas screamed. "Alexander, is this true?" Mr King asked. "Well he was bullying me-" "I don't care, we don't use that language in the classroom. Now apologize to Thomas." Alexander rolled his eyes. "I'm sorry." He said, continuing to glare at Thomas. He wasn't sorry at all. 

"Hamilton, seriously. Why are you such a nerd?" James Madison asked him. "I'm not." He replied, not looking at James. "Yes you are, you turn in your projects early and get all As. You're a total nerd and it's so embarrassing." He said before walking away, leaving Alexander with those words. He didn't understand, since when was being smart a bad thing? He was taught to put your best work out there, and that's all he was trying to do. How was he in the wrong? 

"Hey Alexander, can I talk to you?" Aaron Burr said, walking up to him on the playground. "Uhh... I guess?" He said. Burr hung out with Thomas and James a lot, so this probably wasn't good. "I want to offer you some free advice. When you get called on in class, talk less, smile more." He explained. Great, the last thing Alexander needed was more unsolicited advice on how to be a bad student. "Why?" He asked. "Because, you shouldn't let them know what you're against, or what you're for." Burr said, looking at Alexander like he was stupid. "If you stand for nothing, Burr, what will you fall for?" He asked. "Oh, you just don't get it!" Burr turned and walked away, leaving Alexander even more confused. 

"Maybe they're right. I have a math test today, and I need some friends. Maybe I'll fail today."  Alexander thought as the recess bell rang and he hurried inside. 

"Okay, and remember, no cheating! If I hear talking, I will take your test and you'll get a zero." Mr King explained as he was passing out the tests. 

166 divided by four. Alexander knew how to do that, easily. But if he wanted to win anyone's approval, he would have to play dumb. And that's what he did for the rest of the class. He got a few correct, so he had a chance of passing with a lower grade.  

At the end of the day, the graded tests were passed back. 54. Officially a failing grade. "Hey, see what Nerdilton got on his test!" Thomas said. James Madison grabbed it and read it out loud. "Fifty four, huh? Looks like you finally stopped the 'genius' act." He shrugged and gave Alexander his test back. 

That night at dinner, the phone rang. (Like imagine they have old people phones if that makes sense.) "Oh, who could be calling at this hour?" Washington, Alexander's adoptive dad, asked. "Oh... I don't know." Alexander lied, knowing exactly what this was about. Washington came back into the room a minute later, looking mad. "You failed a math test?"Washington asked angrily. "Well... I only got a fifty four, so it's not so bad-" "Not so bad? You're about to enter middle school, and you can't be failing tests in there! It's a slippery slope, and I'm not letting you fall behind. Did you even study? What happened? You're an expert at long division, how could you possibly fail?! I mean this is easy, especially for somebody on your level! You have some explaining to do here, young man." Washington finally finished his scolding. 

"It's not- yeah. I don't know what happened." Alexander sighed. He didn't feel like explaining that he failed because some kid bullied him into it. Besides, if he did that, he'd have to sit through another one of his father's peer pressure talks, and he'd rather take his punishment now than sit through that. 

"You know what, finish eating then just go upstairs. I still need time to process this." Alexander suddenly lost his appetite. "I'm done now." He said quietly. "Good. Go upstairs. Now." Washington instructed. 

Ten minutes later:

"Alexander." Washington said bluntly, standing in his son's doorway. "Hi." Alexander said quietly with a single head nod. "Why do you think you failed?" Washington asked gently, sitting on the edge of Alexander's bed. "Because Thomas Jefferson calls me Nerdilton..." Alexander trailed off. "Oh my gosh- I'm sorry Alex, I shouldn't be laughing- Nerdilton, really? Alex, there's nothing wrong with being smart. In fact, I think he's just jealous." "What does he have to be jealous of?" Alexander asked. "Well, you're smart, and you get good grades, which immediately gives you a head start in life." "Oh." Was Alexander's only response. "Look, don't let him get to you, because if you fail fifth grade, you'll never see the light of day again." Washington jokingly threatened. "Is that why you needed to adopt me? To replace the last kid that failed a grade?" Alexander asked while laughing. "Why do you think I tell you never to go into the basement?" 

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