Adopted? | Lafayette

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Time: present
Lafayette age: 9
George Washington age: 47
Martha Washington age: 46
Context: Lafayette gets adopted by George and Martha Washington, but he's got trauma attached.

I'm using google translate on the French so it's most likely not perfect.

Lafayette POV:
My orphanage was pretty bad. I haven't eaten since Tuesday, and it's now Saturday. Every time I mention it, I'm starved longer. I'm covered in various bruises and scars. I don't like America so far.
The lady in charge yelled for me to go to her office. I don't want her to hurt me so I listened. "And this is our last kid, Lafayette. I wouldn't bother talking to him though. He doesn't speak English." that's a total lie. I speak English just fine but if I say anything I'll get slapped in the face. The lady in charge, I don't bother trying to remember her name, just turned away and walked out of the room, leaving me alone with two adults that I didn't know or trust. I looked at the people adopting kids. There was a woman, a little bit short, and a tall bald man. "Hey Lafayette, do you speak English?" I nodded. The woman smiled. "We don't care if you do or not, but I had a feeling she was lying about you." I smirked and giggled. The woman got down to my level. "Hey, Lafayette? How would you like to come live with us? As our son?" The woman asked me. Holy crap. They're adopting me?! What if they're like the orphanage lady? Should I risk it? Yes. "Yes. Yes please, I would like that Ma'am..." The couple smiled. "You can call me Martha, and him George, or you can call us mom and dad..." I just smiled. "Lafayette! Stop bothering this nice couple. They don't want you, just like the last 5 couples! Just give up on it!" My cheeks turned a light shade of pink. I hated getting getting scolded in front of people. Tears filled my eyes, and my old shoes seemed much more interesting than ever. "Hey, Lafayette, you alright?" I didn't trust myself to speak. I just nodded.  "We're adopting him." Martha seemed pissed, but strangly not at me. Even though I was the one who almost cried.  "HAHA- wait you're serious? There are so many better kids here, why waste your money on this?" George stepped in. "We would like to adopt Lafayette. That's. Enough." Ok I understand now to not make him angry. Who knows what he would do if I messed up?  "Okay, whatever, but don't bring him back in two weeks because you're sick of him" I forgot about that. The last three people returned me.  "I'm not planning on it" Martha snapped.  "Here, laf why don't you gather your things, we'll sign the papers. Okay?" I nodded. I got my things, which was just some books, clothes, a notebook, and a teddy bear.  It all fit into my yellow backpack. I know, my favorite color is yellow it's weird. But I don't care. I walked downstairs and was kinda surprised to see that Martha and George had not only stayed, but had signed the adoption papers.  "Alright, see you in a month or so!" The lady in charge taunted. I tried to ignore her.  "So Lafayette, tell us about yourself." George said as we got to his car.  "Uhhh... My favorite color is yellow, I'm in fourth grade, and... that's it." Martha and George looked worried. "What do you like doing in your free time?" "Well I guess I like reading...and drawing."  "what do you draw?"   It was weird, being around people who actually care about me.  "I draw random stuff I guess. I draw cats a lot."  "That's really cool. We're getting lunch, where do you want to go?"  I shrugged. "Ok how about we get McDonald's?" I nodded again. I don't want to speak at all right now. I don't know why. We pulled into a McDonald's drive thru. "Hey Laf, what do you want to order?" "oh I'm okay, but thank you..." I'm not making these people spend money on me. "Here, why don't you get a 4 piece chicken mcnugget, you don't have to eat it all, alright?"  I'm not gonna start an argument, so I just nodded again. After we got our food, I was nervous about eating.  If I haven't eaten since Tuesday, how would my body react to food suddenly? Whatever, I'd rather eat than get punished for not eating. I don't know when I'll eat next.  I took a small bite from my chicken nugget, then another, then another until I had eaten one chicken nugget. It was good. I ate the other one, and felt kinda sick after that so I stopped after that. We started driving again, and this time there was some nice music playing on the radio. It was a comfortable silence. No need to talk, and I wasn't hiding my social anxiety. I felt myself getting tired. I was really sleep deprived, but I don't want to fall asleep in the car. What if I snored? What if they got mad at me for sleeping? I let out a yawn though, a dead giveaway.  "Hey Lafayette if you wanna sleep you can, we won't be home for another 20 minutes anyway. Better to just get your rest." I nodded again, and leaned against the car window. We won't be home" Home was such a new word. Most people I've gone with just say that it's "their house." Never "home." I let that word sink in.  My guard has never been down this much before, and it was terrifying me. Eventually, I passed out.

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