50th chapter special

206 9 2

Time: present 

Hamilton age: 30

Washington age: depends 🤷🏻

Context: 5️⃣0️⃣

So technically, it's the 51st, but in the way the chapters are manually sorted by me, it's the 50th. So enjoy :D

And yes I know that Washington dies at 67. But good vibes only here. 

Also I think I'm going to begin a six day upload schedule, so I have a week to write and publish each chapter. So there might be some interesting results. 

Third person pov: 

"Hey Alex! You know what Tuesday is, right?" John Laurens asked as Alexander stood by the printer. "Uh... it's Tuesday?" he responded. "No, dumbass. It's Washington's Birthday! We're all chipping in $10 for his gift." John explained. "Oh. How old is he turning anyway?" Alexander asked. "50! It's crazy to think we've worked with him for such a long time!" John said as they walked to Alexander's office. "50?" Alexander stopped walking. "Yeah, what's the problem?" "Nothing. Let's go." 

The next few days, Alexander did his best to do extra work for his boss. He worked very hard and had to be sent home multiple times to catch up on his sleep. So Washington was at the end of his rope with him, but he still wanted him at his office birthday party. But when the party actually happened, Alexander was in a terrible mood. 

"Alex, you came! I made sure to get those chips you like!" Hercules said as soon as he found Alexander. "Thanks man." Alexander said. "Are you okay?" Hercules asked. "Yeah... I'm gonna go to the bathroom. See you later." Alexander said, hurrying to the bathroom and locking himself in a stall. He reached into his pocket with shaky hands until he found his phone. The clock read 1:43. There were hours before Alexander got to go home, and even after that, he was supposed to go to a birthday dinner with George and Martha Washington. And there was no canceling now. 

Finally, Alexander knew he had to leave the stall. He could probably just sneak out and go home, but then he'd have to confront Washington at dinner. Ugh. 

As Alexander left the bathroom, he walked straight through the door and to his car, until he felt a grip on his wrist. He spun around to see Washington. "What." Alexander said coldly. "What's going on with you? You've been overworking yourself and being weird around me, and now you walk out of the birthday celebration that you helped plan. Is everything alright at home?" "Yes. Now I need to leave. I'll see you at dinner." "No. You're not leaving until we figure this out." Washington instructed. "What's stopping me from driving away?" Alexander taunted. Washington stayed silent, but he reached into his pocket and pulled out Alexander's car keys. "How-" "Sit." Washington pointed at a bench near the car, and he led Alexander there. "Nothing's going on. Can I go home?" "No. This started a week ago, and it's ending now because I don't like seeing you obviously upset like this." Washington demanded. 

"Fine. You want to know what it is? It's the fact that you're fifty today. You're celebrating the fact that you're one year closer to death and I'm over here knowing there's nothing I can do to stop it." Alexander finally let out. There was awkward silence for a bit, until Washington finally responded. "You should've started with that. Alex, you know I won't be here forever, but I still hopefully have a lot of time before I have to think about that. So it's important that we use this time we have together now, instead of fearing the time we won't have in the future." Washington said, wrapping his arm protectively around Alexander. "I know. I'm sorry." Alexander mumbled. "What do you say we go back to the party?" Washington suggested. Alexander nodded happily and followed Washington into the White House. 

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