What Can I Do For You, Officer?

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Time: Present

Hamilton age: 12

Washington age: 43

Context: Gwash is a police officer who finds Alexander by himself. 

Disclaimer: The only stuff I know about police protocols and shit is from Brooklyn-Nine-Nine and Criminal Minds, so don't expect accuracy, but I'll do the best I can.

George Washington's pov: 

I leaned back in my car as I did a quick mental scan of the area, then opened a box of donuts. I know, it's so cliche, but it's a stereotype for a reason. Cops love donuts. Nothing was really happening, but I had a whole night of this ahead of me, so I took a long sip of coffee before exhaling out of my nose, forgetting that the donut was in my hand. So now I had sprinkles in my car. There was surprisingly little crime for a night in the city. I just sighed and scrolled on instagram for a little bit, making sure to look up around me every few minutes. It was late and I was tired, so don't judge me. 

Suddenly I heard a scream come from the ally near where I was parked. I jumped up, and grabbed my gun just in case. It was dark out, so I turned on my flashlight and held the gun close to me. "Get off- Give me back my stuff! Help!" That sounded like a child! What child is out this late? I got close enough to see what was happening. Some kid was struggling to grab a small bag from a much older man's grip. "Hey! Step away from the boy, and put your hands up!" I yelled. The man immediately obeyed, but the boy began running. I would worry about that in a minute. I called for an extra car to take the man as I handcuffed him. When he was gone, I had to search for the boy. 

I searched around some corners, until I heard rustling behind a dumpster. I shined my flashlight, and sure enough, it was the same boy from before. He quickly lifted up his arms to shield his eyes. "Who are you?" I demanded. After he backed into a corner, I lowered my flashlight, and my voice. "I don't want to hurt you, son. What's your name?" I asked, this time with a kinder, calmer voice. "Alexander Hamilton. My name... is Alexander Hamilton." He said. "Alright, and what are you doing out this late at night?" I asked. "I'm just... out, I guess?" He shrugged. "Son, I'm a cop. It's in your best interest to be honest here. I'll tell you what. Let's take a ride down to the station." He shook his head, but when I grabbed his wrist to take him to my car, he didn't fight. 

As soon as the lights of the car came on, I saw how bad this kid really looked. His hair was messy, and he looked like he weighed nothing. Besides that, he had dirt and a few bruises on his chin, but they looked fresh, so they were probably caused in the fight I had just broken up. No wonder it was beginning to bruise already, this kid looked so weak it was pathetic.  "Donut?" I asked. He nodded, and I handed him a pink one. He didn't say anything, but he snatched it out of my hand and ate it quickly. I can't blame him, he looked starving. 

When we arrived at the station, he looked more scared. I hurried him in for some questioning. 

"This is your office?" He asked. "I know it's messy, but it's a great office compared to some others over here." I explained. "Why am I here? It's not like I did anything." He mumbled as I instructed him to my desk. He sat down on a chair and crossed his arms. "You're not in any sort of trouble. I just need to ask you some questions, that's all." I said, sitting in the chair across from him and leaning back a bit. "Do you have any more donuts?" He asked. "They're in my car. Besides, you don't need all that sugar. Have these." I passed him some crackers and he happily opened them up. "So, Alexander Hamilton, how old are you?" I asked. "I'm only twelve, but my mind is older." He bragged. I couldn't help but chuckle at that. "Well, that's very nice. Now, do you want to tell me what exactly you were doing outside at nine o'clock at night, on a Saturday, no less." "Uh... no. No I do not." He said, crossing his arms again. "Well, Alexander, I'm sorry, but you don't have much of a choice right now. You're a child, so unless you tell us exactly what happened, you could get in a lot of trouble." I threatened. I'm not even sure what I was saying, but I wanted him to start talking. 

"Are you homeless?" I asked, and immediately noticed the way he tensed up. "So you are. I'm guessing that you're also an orphan?" I suggested. He just narrowed his eyes at me and glared. "Let me guess. You need to call child services, but you really don't want to because you just want to go home to your wife, who you're very devoted to but can't spend much time with. You gave me that donut to establish trust between us, but only so I would tell you all of my information. And you're getting really tired of focusing your time on me, but you're only spending this much time with me because I'm a child, and you want kids but either you or your wife can't have kids, so you feel closer to me." He finished talking, then stood up and walked out, letting the door slam behind him. Wow.

Finally I came back to my senses, and I got up and started running after Alexander. I found him outside, walking around on the sidewalk, with obviously nowhere to be. "Alexander!" I called out to him. His head snapped up. "Come here." I demanded. He ran up to me, a look of dread on his face. "What? What do you want?" He snapped. I sighed.  "Alexander, how would you like to come stay with me and my wife? You were right, we can't have kids of our own, but I would love to have you as my son, and I'm sure my wife would love that too." I offered. His face lit up, and I saw his efforts to hide it, which failed. "Come one, son, let's go." I led him to the car for the second time tonight, but this time, we both felt good about it. 

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