Writers block | Alexander Hamilton

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Time: past
Hamilton age: 17
Washington age: 42
Context: uhhh... writers block ig

Third person POV:
Alexander Hamilton was going through the worst thing imaginable, at least for a writer. He had writers block, and couldn't think of anything to write, (duh) and it was making him more and more cranky as the minutes went by. He tried writing a letter to Laurens, but it sounded like a six year old wrote it. He tried writing something to Congress, but he had completely zero filter due to how annoyed he was. After one hour of this, the floor of his tent was covered in crumpled papers. Time to go annoy the general then.
Alexander walked into Washington's tent and just sat on a spare chair and said nothing. Somehow silence is what always got his attention. Washington immediately spun around to face his almost-son. "Alex, are you okay?" Alexander just shook his head. "Sir, I have..." he paused dramatically. "... Writers block." he exhaled. "Oh- you worried me for a minute." Washington said. "With all due respect sir, it's a very serious condition that many hot, young Carribean writers with a reliability with the ladies suffer from." He huffed and pouted like a child. "Alexander. That's your brain telling you to take a break. You're overworking yourself. Go do something different. Anything but writing. The ideas will come to you eventually." "But sir, I need to write back to Congress soon!" Washington shook his head. "Son, it's honestly concerning how fast you write back to Congress. Give them a break too." Washington laughed, Alexander just gave him a death stare. "Here. Go give this to Lafayette." Alexander just got angrier. "Again, with all due respect, I'm not your messenger." "Why is it that whenever you say with all due respect, you never mean it?" Alexander shrugged. Suddenly Lafayette barged in. "Is that the letter from Hercules?" His French accent was still there. Sounds stupid, but Alexander always get nervous that he'll lose it after being in the colonies. Alexander's eyes filled with tears after the mention of Hercules. He misses him, a lot. Before the general, or Lafayette, could say anything, he wiped away his tears and excused himself. He now knew what to write. A letter to Hercules. It's too risky to send out, because he can't risk blowing his friend's cover as a spy, but he still wrote it. Stuff he won't send, just an outlet for his feelings.

A/N: so sorry I haven't been updating! I've been working on other stories and school recently started again so I've been tired. I'll try to update more often!

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