Stupid | Alexander Hamilton

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Time: present
Hamilton age: 34
Washington age: 49
Context: I'm sure the picture above explains enough...

Third person narrative:

"WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING HAMILTON?!" For once in his life, Alexander Hamilton was at a loss for words. "Sir I- I wasn't! I don't know what happened... I was under stress and one thing led to another, and it wasn't like I was the only wrong one here! I mean if I wasn't led on in the first place-" 

Hamhams POV:
I was cut off by the unimaginable.  Mr Washington's hand collided with my face. For a minute, I saw my father in him, hitting me whenever I messed up in the slightest. But I'm an adult now, I don't need to crawl into a corner and beg him to stop. I'm a grown ass man.  So I stood my ground. I'm sick of being George Washington's little boy, who must be protected. He just HIT me, it's my duty to deal with it myself.  "If you wanted me to leave, you could've just said so. No need to get physical. Now if that's all you need, I have bigger problems to deal with.  Goodnight." Washington looked shocked. It would've been fine if he didn't suddenly move his hand, causing me to flinch.  He drew his hand back, so I turned on my heel and left with slamming the door. 

3 months later

Third person narrative:

George had tried to talk to Alexander, but Alexander wanted nothing to do with the general anymore. He wasn't his father, and the one person who would comfort him in this situation was the reason he needed comforting. Who else would he go to? John Laurens, dead. Lafayette, in France. Hercules Mulligan, where was he? (Fr, I looked it up and I couldn't find anything about Hercules Mulligan)
Alexander just left his apartment and went out to the nearest bar. Drinks were his only friend now.

George Washington's POV:
I needed a drink. Alexander has been more distant, and quite honestly I don't deserve his company anymore. If I were him I'd do the same thing. I knew that people would come looking for me at any bars nearby, so I called an Uber and went across the city to a bar. Driving through this part of the city hurt, it's where Alexander lives. I miss him falling asleep on my office couch, so he'll call me dad and pretend to not remember it the next morning. I'm going to miss his son, Phillip, who called me grandpa. Why, why was Alexander stupid enough to cheat on his wife, and why was I stupid enough to smack him? I didn't even realize I had walked inside the bar. I didn't notice the drink in my hand, already halfway empty. But I definitely did notice Alexander sitting on a couch near the corner surrounded by empty cups. God, he was probably wasted by now.
"Heeyy Mr Washington! How you been?" Yeah he noticed me and came over to me. "I'd much rather do this sober Alexander..." he ignored me. "Me and Eliza are fine. And Philip... is missing yourself..." Alexander normally had good grammar, but now he was a mess. I don't know if it was the drinks or the fact that we hadn't spoken in 3 months, but I started laughing. Now I was literally cackling. Alexander can't talk oh my god. I took a shot, and suddenly Alex was laughing too. He probably didn't even know what we were laughing at, but he was laughing either way. I missed this kind of thing.

To Be Continued...

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