Am I annoying?| Alexander

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Time: present
Hamilton age: 29
Washington age: 43
Context: gwash is away on a trip and uh yeah hammy misses him.

Hamilton's POV:

It's been a week since Washington went away on a trip, and to be honest, I miss him a lot. He hasn't texted or called me since he left, and I can't write to him because I don't know where he's staying.

I decided to do some new thing I learned where you write a letter to someone, but you write everything you wish you could say to them, and you never show them the letters.

Okay, to make things worse, I now have writers block. How fun.

I texted Washington a few times asking him how his trip is going, but still no reply. Am I really that annoying?

Even worse, what if his plane crashed or something?

I pushed those thoughts away and started working on papers, so when Washington comes back, everything will be done.
That's what I gotta do, if he thinks I'm annoying then I'll impress him so he doesn't hate me!

By ten pm I had finished everything, and all it took was missing dinner, shutting out my wife, and not using the bathroom! Yay.

I got up to see if I could eat any leftovers. I'm still hungry.

Eliza was still in the kitchen, and I can't tell if she's still mad at me for missing dinner.

"Hey Eliza, look I'm really sorry about earlier..." I apologized.  She finally said something after about a minute.  "Alex, it's fine but what was the big deal? We talked about this, you can write for every second of the day that isn't dinner with me! I know your work's important, but so is spending time with me!" I kissed her on the cheek and got some leftover tacos from the fridge.  "I know, and I'm really sorry. Here, how about this weekend we have a night out, no work, just us?" She seemed to think about it before speaking again.  "Yeah, that sounds pretty nice. Okay! But one thing, what was so important about that paper you were writing?" I sighed.  "Washington has been away, and he's ignoring my texts, so I figured I'd be the best at work so he can't ignore me." Eliza rolled her eyes.  "He's probably just busy Alexander."  I rolled my eyes back.  "hE's PrObAbLy JuSt BuSy AlExAnDeR" I said.  "You wipe that joker smile off your face, Alexander Hamilton!" "Not unless you kiss me, Elizabeth Schuyler-Hamilton"  "fine then!" She kissed me on my cheek.

Two weeks later (in the living room stressin- ok I'll stop)

It was my first day back at work with Washington there, and I can't wait to prove to him that I'm awesome and he shouldn't ignore me.

You know when you were in school and you had a big presentation, and you not only did everything right, you also did everything perfectly right? Well that's what I'm doing here.

I showed up twenty minutes early, got some coffee, and went around seeing if anyone needed anything. I was even trying to be nice to Jefferson today. I know Washington would appreciate that.

I eventually got to work on whatever I had saved on my work computer, which is actually what I probably should've done last night instead of what's at home, but whatever. I just needed finishing touches on it anyway. I hit the print button and went to the copy room to wait.

As I was walking towards the copy room, I saw Jefferson and Washington talking in there. Perfect! 

I walked in and the first thing I did was greet Washington.  "Hello Mr Washington, how are you today?" He seemed confused, but he still replied.  "Well, I'm doing great. My plane landed late, but I'm fine other than that." "Oh that's good. And you, Jefferson?" Jefferson looked disgusted, but he still replied.  "I'm doing fine, thanks." He snapped, walking out of the room. 
My stuff had just finished printing, so I quickly snatched it.  "Oh, I have this report you wanted. Right here, fresh out the printer!" Washington looked... almost annoyed?  "Hamilton, I told you those were due in three weeks. How are they already done?" 

You know how when your day is going great, then one person yells at you and your whole day turns sour?

Hamilton?? He never calls me that. I just awkwardly walked out of the room and went back to my office, regretting leaving all my other papers on his desk. I saw him walk into his office after CHEERFULLY greeting lafayette. I didn't get a cheerful greeting, I got an awkward one! I started counting down the seconds until he'd loudly mention what's on his desk.

"Hamilton! Get in my office!" Oh shit.

I nervously stepped into his office and immediately he went off on me, telling me "I never take breaks" and I'm "an overachiever" and "showing unhealthy behavior" or something. When he finally got done, I was holding back tears. He never yells at me. Ever.  I just nodded before quickly walking out of the room, and locking myself in my office.

When I got home, Eliza's sisters were there too, and I was not in the mood to deal with that, so I just quickly locked myself in my room. Don't get me wrong, I love Eliza's family, they can just be... a little bit much.

Washington's POV:

As I ate dinner with Martha, I couldn't stop thinking about earlier today. Why did I yell at Hamilton for doing his job?  I decided to bring it up to Martha.  "Honestly? It sounds like he was trying to get your attention. Did you guys still talk while you were away?"  "Well... no, but I kept saying I would reply when I got a chance and it slipped my mind entirely..."  "George, he just misses you. Did you say anything else to him today?"  "Well before when I saw him in the copy room we had a very awkward greeting.  Then after I screamed at him, he didn't speak to me for the rest of the day." Martha nodded.  "You guys need to talk tomorrow."


Hamilton's POV:

I don't want to hate work. That was a great thing about me, I never complain about work sucking or anything like that. In fact, I love work. But now I just think I like it a little bit less.

When I arrived at work, I went straight to my office. I'm pretty sure the entire office heard Washington yell at me yesterday. Actually no, I'm pretty sure the entire state heard him. Wonderful.

As I walked over to my desk, I saw a note. 

Come to my office asap


I walked into his office and immediately did my best to not give him a nasty look.  "You asked me to be here?"  "Yes, I think it's important we talk." I followed him to his desk and sat across from him.  "I just wanted to apologize for yesterday. I really don't know what came over me."

I wasn't expecting that.

"Oh- oh yeah no it's all fine. I'm fine." I said nervously.  "No, it's not. I shouldn't have yelled for no reason and I definitely shouldn't have ignored you for almost a month. I'm really sorry."  I just nodded. I need to get out of here before I start crying. I just quickly excused myself and hurried to my office.
But this time it wasn't sad tears. It was more "he doesn't hate me" tears.

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