Pranks | Hamilton and Lafayette

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Time: present
Hamilton age: 13
Lafayette age: 12
Washington age: 41
Context: Alexander and Lafayette prank gwash and he doesn't love it.

Lafayette's POV:
I was chilling in my room playing video games when the door burst open and mon frère, Alexander, walked in. 

He just stood there watching me for a while, not really doing anything, which then evolved into a staring contest between us. He won. He is really good at staring contests for some reason. Man has probably never blinked in his life.

"Can I help you?" I finally asked. Don't get me wrong, he does this all the time and I'm just waiting for him to do something weird before leaving without shutting my door. >:(

"I have an idea." He said after about three minutes of standing there. He sat down on my bed and smirked at me.  He's in a very annoying mood today.  "Get off my bed!" I set down my controller and got up to shove him off, but he grabbed my wrists and stuck his tongue out at me. Older brothers are awful.

"Fine. What is it." I sat down on the floor across from him.  "Well... you know how you're totally dad's favorite? I was thinking we completely ruin that for the both of you by... pranking him!" "No! I can't do that, dad will murder you and hate me forever, and I don't know which is worse!" Sounds lame but he probably would.

"No way. Come on, don't be such a stick in the mud for a second and have fun! Pleeaasee? I'll give you some of my secret candy?" "I raided that a week ago. Sorry not sorry." I smirked.  "You- wow. You know what- if you don't get up and prank dad, I'm snitching to mom and she'll take away your PlayStation for two weeks AGAIN!"

I groaned.  "Fine. But this is the only time you get to use that as blackmail. Anything after this is irrelevant." I glared at him and walked to my desk.  "So, what should we do?" I asked. "Well let's do something classic. You can never beat the classics." "Okay... but what? I've never done this before."

He smirked a very mischievous smirk.  "I'm thinking... plastic wrap over the toilet?"

"Okay, he's going to be home in twenty minutes, and mom is going to be here in thirty, but dad uses the bathroom as soon as he comes home because I've seen his office bathrooms and they are crusty as hell in that place. Bro really needs to get new janitors. But anyways, I was thinking we do it now. Hurry up."

Our system basically worked like this. I placed the plastic wrap over the lowest level of the toilet, and Alexander undid it and smoothed it out way better. While we were working, I thought of a very bad possible outcome.

"Alexander, what if when he sits down... it's um... a number two?" I asked.  "Bro do you mean what if it's shit? Well then that'll be disgusting." "Mom said you need to stop swearing so much..." I reminded him.  "Well fuck that. I love mom so much but I also love swearing."

We still had like ten more minutes, and because Alexander can't go five minutes without annoying someone, he decided we should cover the sink faucet and shower head too.

I heard dad pull into the driveway, so we ran out of there, went into my room, and just turned on a video game to play while we wait for the prank to take place. After about five minutes, dad had walked in the house but hadn't used the bathroom yet. This was making me so nervous. Just use the bathroom, find out about everything, then yell at us. Just get it over with.

Finally he walked in my room, said hi to Alexander and I, then went to use his bathroom. Oh no. Suddenly I was regretting this. I stood up to stop him, but Alexander pulled me down and growled at me.  "What are you doing?"  "Alexander, I can't let him use that toilet."  "Before you do anything, just remember the last time mom took away your ps5."

Finally we heard a yell from the bathroom. Oh no, we're all dead.

Dad burst open the door and just glared at us, almost daring one of us to say something.
Finally Alexander spoke.  "Hey dad... did you have a nice day at work?" I immediately started thinking of all the stuff I can take from his room when dad finishes killing him. 

But instead of yelling, dad just took a deep breath.  "Now which one of you put plastic wrap over the toilet?" Alexander and I both pointed at each other.  "Okay. I'll admit you got me pretty good but your both grounded for the next two days. Now is there any more pranks I should be aware of?" "Yeah, there's plastic wrap over the sink faucet too." Alexander smirked. 

Dad left and we went back to our games, until we heard a shriek comes from the bathroom.

I just remembered that we forgot about the shower head.

Oh shit.

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