Doritos and gay stuff | Alexander Hamilton

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Time: Present

Hamilton age: 15

Washington age: 41

Context: Alexander has a tiny crush on his best friend and needs some advice.

Alexander's pov:

John Laurens. How would I describe John Laurens? He's perfect. His curly hair, his drawing skills, his obsession with turtles... just everything about him. But he's also something else. He's my best friend. And everyone knows the rules. You don't date your friends.

I don't even need to date him. I just need to get it off my chest that John is my best friend, and also the love of my life. And I hate that. He doesn't deserve half the shit he goes through, and I could treat him so much better than what he gets now. It hurts so much to see him get hurt by everyone, and knowing that if he had some common sense, he'd see that I'm here and would finally love me.

And obviously I can't talk to my best friends about this, because... well 1/4 of my besties is John, and the rest are also John's best friends. There's one last option I have. My boss at my internship. He knows about this stuff. I hope.

So the next day I walk into his office feeling... not so peachy keen. I was too wrapped up in looking at John, that I got so distracted and when the teacher called on me, I couldn't answer the question and got yelled at in front of everyone. Little did I know, my day was about to get worse. Or better. I can't tell. But please enjoy my attempt at foreshadowing.

"Alex! I have someone I want you to meet!" Mr Washington called me into his office. "Oh coo- Oh. Hey John." I tried (and failed) to hide my disappointment. Why is he here? This is the one place I have to work quietly and think about John. Plus once he sees my lock screen is a photo of us together, he's never letting that go.

"Oh you guys know each other? That's perfect! Alex, I was hoping you could spend the afternoon helping John around, just get him used to everything." I nodded, feeling speechless. John ran to my side as I led him to a vending machine. I needed some Doritos. (A/N: Unpopular opinion: Doritos taste like ass)

"Hey, you're okay with me working here, right?" John asked as we walked down the halls to the break room. "Yeah, I was just surprised I guess. Rough day." "Oh yeah, what happened to you in English today?" "Nothing... just zoned out I guess." I shrugged and bent down to put a dollar in the vending machine. "Dude. You can't lie to me. Is it a girl?" "Nope." I said, not looking up. "Guy?" I hit the wrong button and got Cheetos instead of the chips I wanted. "John! You're distracting me!" I snapped. He looked genuinely hurt from that. "Look, if you're worried that I'll take your job or something, don't. I swear that's not why I'm-" "Believe me, you won't." I grumbled as I ripped open the bag of Cheetos.

"Uh- okay can we forget about this for now and you can show me around?" I don't know why that's what set me off, but it did. "No John. Go get someone else to do it, because that's all you ever do. You always get someone other than me to do something for you. I've been in your life longer than anyone, and yet you just forget that I exist! So go ask literally anyone else to help you, because clearly I'm not good enough!" I hurried off to Mr Washington's office, ignoring John's apologies.

"Why'd you hire him?" I yelled. "Excuse me?" Mr Washington looked up at me without moving his head, only his eyes moved up. "Why. Is. John. Working. Here." "Because he's a good fit to be an intern. Why is this your concern?" "Because I don't want to talk to him! I hate him, always apologizing, and forgetting about me! He's such a people pleaser, but the worst part is, he doesn't do it to anyone else! He's obsessed with getting my approval, but I'm his best friend! He doesn't need my approval!" I screamed. Mr Washington just sighed. "Alexander, go sit down."

I sat down on a small couch. He pulled up a chair and sat across from me. "Alex, are you jealous of John's friendships with other people?" "I wish it was that simple." I buried my head in my hands. "Do you like John?" This surprised me. "Uh well that depends on what you mean..." "Do you want a relationship with John." He said, more like a statement than a question. "I mean... yeah. But I couldn't, because we're best friends." "It sounds like John is into you too, based on what you just told me about him needing your constant approval. You guys need to talk this out. It's not worth losing a friend over." I hate when he's right. I hate when anyone other than me is right.

"Ugh, fine, but if he never speaks to me again, that's on you." I left the room to find John.

I found him by the vending machine, holding some quarters. He could almost sense that I was there, because he looked directly at me. He was crying.

"John... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell." "Uh, don't worry about it. I bought you Doritos." He put the quarters in the vending machine and pulled out a bag of Doritos. "Oh- thanks. I mean it." John smiled. "Hey John, I need to just say it. I... I like you." "Oh same, I mean we've known each other forever. I'd hope you-" "No John. I like like you." I said like I was in fifth grade. "Oh. OH." He turned red and got silent for a minute, before leaning in and kissing me on the cheek. "This is awkward. I just didn't think you'd feel the same." He was blushing. "John, I do. I really do." He kissed me again, this time on the lips. "Boyfriends?" "Yea- John gimme a minute to breathe." "Aren't you supposed to show me around the place?" "John, I waited forever for this moment. Work can wait." John pumped his fists in the air. "Yes! Me and Hercules had a bet that a relationship was the one thing that could make you forget about work!" "Assho-" I was cut off by John kissing me again. Asshole.

A/N: Sorry I haven't updated since 2022. Happy late New Years! It's crazy that I started this story in June of 2022, and it's sixth months later and I'm still writing! I got really into writing this, unlike my old abandoned projects.

I just wanted an opinion. Is it okay to date your friends?

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