Chapter 4

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Ishita's POV:

Returning home I searched for Mom but Esha told me she left for a bhajan to the nearest temple I asked Esha to sit and talk with me. "So how is your career going till now?" humming in response she explained, "Pretty well but Di (sister) I want to talk about something else with you..." that was sudden but never minding. "Yeah sure, you can tell me anything..." she rubbed her knuckles which indicates something is not right and she was nervous. "Esha... is everything alright you can tell me don't worry I won't judge you".

Esha took deep breaths, "Di, I love a guy who also does like he says he does and I want things to move forwards towards marriage because I don't think anyone else can keep me happy and take care of me as he does. I want you to meet him and see if he's worth it or I will end the relationship because if he isn't serious about it then I don't think it's worth investing myself in a relationship with no future. My career is at its peak and this entertainment industry changes in split seconds. I will continue my work besides that I want to start a family and get stable in life..." hearing her I couldn't believe she was two years younger than me. She has become so mature maybe time has grown her up as well...

"Esha... I always want you to be happy and for you, I will meet the guy but it's you who will choose to live with him or not. I will talk about it with Mom as well don't worry about it just talk to the guy and let me know about his parents what's his name?" she was beyond happy, "Really Di you will do it... Oh my god, I thought you will scold me for being in a relationship with a guy and all. You're so cool..." she pulled me into a hug. "Okay... okay don't butter me up to tell me his name..." she smiled shyly.

"Kartik Oberoi, only son of Antara Oberoi and Sudhir Oberoi. They have a hotel chain business in Bangalore and Mumbai. His father died a couple of years ago now Kartik handles his business but the only scary thing is her mother she doesn't even let his son away from her eyes. I understand her situation but Kartik is a grown-up man and I kind of very much believe she will reject me that's why I asked for help from you because you are the best manipulator or I would have told Mom before you." she has really grown up.

"Well, I'm flattered you chose me to manipulate your soon-to-be mother-in-law." she chuckled and hugged me. "Don't do that... hey..." she tickled my back, and sides I could control my laughter. I saw mom standing near the door frame looking at us with glittering eyes, she walked close to us holding the puja thali. "This house can never be a home it will always be the building of stones and cement without you... you my lovely daughters make this house a home." she cupped both of our cheeks them applied kumkum tika in the middle of our foreheads. "God saves you from the eyes of evil and his blessings be upon you." she kissed our cheeks while we touched her feet receiving her blessings.

"You're still at home... don't you have a meeting with the real estate agent. You girls just keep staying at home and someone else will overtake our business." the man we all wish dies but doesn't want our mother to be a widower. "Esha... have you met the agent and did the photo shoot for the campaign. I'm here trying to expand the business and include the fashion industry as well where you... mother and daughter are sitting here doing absolutely nothing." Dad walked inside the main door and utter in complete exasperation.

I mumbled under my breath close to my mother, "You were blessing me to save me from evil eyes just poke this man's eyes it will be more than helpful" "Shhh...." mother glared at me to close my mouth. "What are you two mumbling?" Dad asked sitting on the couch. "Plan of your murder..." I uttered he gave me a disgusted look, Mom slaps her forehead and asked him "Why are you here Raj?". He glared at her and then ordered maids to bring him a glass of water because none of us care to ask him for anything.

He gulped the whole glass and then looked at Esha, "Does your mother knows about your affair with that Oberoi's son? And how dare you to do such a thing don't you know that the eldest child gets married first then it comes to the youngest or you have forgotten your morals and values in the desperation of sleeping around". This man tests my patience, "Aae you... talk to me and answer the question Mom asked why are you here? and as far as I'm concerned you have nothing to do with Esha's affair or marriage. As we were planning to not call you at the wedding as well telling their parents that she's a daughter without a father." he glared at me and huffed in frustration. "If your mother had given birth to an obedient son then I won't have to talk with your disrespectful mouth...". I smirked, "But she didn't so get over it... son of a bitch..." I said the last part under my breath but very much audible.

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