Chapter 81

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Four years later:

The Mehra and Goel families were supposed to gather together for Arshita and Isaan's birthdays. The two beautiful kids Ishita gave birth five years ago and they were turning five this year. At the breakfast table, Nayantara called the kids to have their breakfast. Arshita ran down the stairs and stood next to her father spreading her arms and asking him to pick her up. Armaan lovingly picked her up and made her sit on the chair.

Nayantara chuckled, "She's so dramatic like her mother...." Arshita giggled and asked her father, "Daddy... it's my birthday did you get me the frog for the gift?" Armaan cleared his throat, "You know right that your mother hates frogs and doesn't want you to have it as a pet." Arshita snuffed, "Is there anything mom doesn't hate?" they were left speechless and chose to have a peaceful breakfast.

Ishita walked down wearing a pastel color saree and a silver bindi. Isaan was wearing a matching color outfit and walked behind her holding her pallu in his small hands. Ishita pulled a chair, "Good Morning...." She wished them and took her pallu from Isaan's hand thanking him. He climbs up on the chair sitting next to her mother, "Morning daddy..." Armaan smiled at passed him a plate of paratha, "Morning my little champ... it's your birthday so happy birthday. Tell me what would you like me to get for you." Isaan smiled with the cute dimples that he genetically got from Armaan, "I don't want anything but I would love it if you spend this weekend with us at mom's penthouse."

Arshita gagged, "That place which only has cars... it's more like a garage than a penthouse." Isaan quarreled, "How could you say that? It has a beautiful pool and a big... very big lawn which has spread across the beach." Arshita rolled her eyes, "It's not a beach... it's just fake sand that mother got to make it look like the Bahamas since she never gets time to actually go to the Bahamas."

Ishita was a lot offended, "Excuse me lady... those sands are not fake they are actually from the Bahamas and I especially had a jet to get them here." She argued back, "What a waste of resources? Don't you feel how lame you sound..." Nayantara looked between two people who had the same personality repelling each other but were separated by only their age and height.

Armaan knocked on the table, "Could I expect to have a peaceful breakfast?". They looked away from each other continuing their breakfast. Arshita wipes her mouth and mentions, "Dad is getting me a frog for my birthday....". Ishita instantly responded, "No you're not getting that nasty piece of shit so stop acting delusional." Arshita screamed, "I will..." Ishita screams back, "Oh really... I gave you birth out of my vagina so you have to obey me." Arshita yells, "Never... I'll never obey your stupid rules... what will you do? Put me back in there..." she hopped down from the chair and left stomping her feet.

Ishita growled pointing her butter knife at Armaan, "This is all you... have you seen her talk... you have spoiled her with your love that she has forgotten to respect me." Armaan mocks her, "Respect goes both ways... and what is wrong if she wants a frog as a pet." Ishita knits her brows, "What's wrong? Everything... which five-year-old has ever asked for a frog to be a pet. On top of everything I feel disgusted by frogs so there's no way she's bringing that nasty thing inside this house." She left stomping her feet as well.

Armaan sits still and took a bite from his food ignoring them all. Isaan mumbles, "Daddy... I think you're in big trouble." He nodded, "Completely..." he asks in a low voice, "So what will you do?" Armaan passed him a smirk spilling some beans while he curiously listened to him. He clapped at the last, "That's amazing but how will you do it?". Armaan winked, "Just wait and watch little champ...".

In the evening, Aditya passed Ritika the guest list "I guess this is it... like we wanted more relatives to join but you know the mother-daughter duo doesn't want more snaky relatives. But yeah, there are still enough..." Ritika runs her eyes through the list, "How many?" Aditya cleared his throat "Fifty..." she gasped, "No way make it something close to twenty... and gosh Yamini is included in the list Maa will be needing her blood pressure tablets."

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