Chapter 47

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Ishita's POV:

Ritika placed the files on my table turning back to leave I called her, "Ritika... Um... it's a little hard for me to say but-" she cuts me off, "You are not going to fire me or you?". I waved my hands dismissively, "No... No... it's just that I'm sorry for my previous behavior." I pulled out the envelope and passed it on to her, "This is a company voucher card with a limit but you can use it like the way you want." She took the envelope and gasped, "Really... this is so exciting... I can now-" I showed her palm, "Calm down... I don't want you to get a heart attack for some free stuff. Also don't let any other employee know about it because I can't give it to everyone or else, I might end up bankrupt" she cleared her throat and nodded.

I stood up from my chair, "Also gather all those lunatics employees I'm going to make some announcements." She bowed and stepped out of my office. Taking deep breaths, I reminded myself that I will need the money which my company employees make for me so I need to be on my best behavior. Ritika peeped in, "Everything is settled..." I nodded and stepped out of my office. Everyone was giving me stare looks some were giving me unnecessary smiles. "Hello everyone..." they mumbled a hello together, "I'm here to apologize to you all for my previous bad temper which I had because of the workload in the competitive market. But in all this, I forgot to be on my humblest behavior because let's be honest with each other you all have previously worked with different bosses. Some were creepy or unnecessarily arrogant and some even tried to be in bed with you."

They looked at each other and nodded, I added "If not you then you might have seen other co-workers. And no one is at fault you want a nice paying job they want instant pleasure if you seem easy to go then try it on you. If you agree then you will be their bed warmer and if not then they push so much work without giving credits that you eventually decide to quit. All I want you all to understand is that happened with me also when I entered in this bussiness many CEO's tried it with me as well but instead of being their bed warmer, I snatched away their houses making them sleep on pavements." The crowd cackled, I shrugged and continued, "Yeah... that's what I am... and that's how I became cold and heartless to get what I deserve. You might work here or leave this company because of my bad behavior but I wanted to tell you guys my part of the story before you all judge."

Ritika gave me a big smile, I gestured for her to bring the prospectus "Well this is a summer carnival event which Mehra Group will be hosting for the employees. You all can come and enjoy winning gift vouchers and cash prices." They hooted clapping for the announcement. I gestured for them to stop, "Basically this was my father's idea but I'm adding one rule in this that all my company employees should win. I want you all to get the prize and give me my share in it..." they looked at each other sadly, I hooted, "I was kidding..." they cackled and clapped happily. I added, "About the sharing part... but you all need to win..."

In the afternoon Ritika knocked on my office door and entered, "What should I bring you for lunch?" I looked up from my document file, "Oh nothing... I already asked Amir to bring it for me and you can go home as I'm giving you one week's leave from work. To use the card obviously and Amir is sitting in my dad's office eating money for no reason, he would assist me for a week till you come back." She sits in front of me, "Ishita... I really appreciate your hospitality but if you're doing this to get a new assistant before kicking out then tell me clearly, I don't want all these holidays because I love my work."

I looked up and down at her, "I can't even say that you got some bad influence because half of the time you're with me but are you crazy? I'm not searching for any assistant. Your work is just fine except for the part where you forget things and if you want to thank someone then say it to Aditya. He insisted seeing you working all day like a bull that I should give you some time to be yourself. That guy has a massive crush on you but don't worry I told him that you have a boyfriend so he won't be bothering you." She stared at me in shock. Avoiding her I concentrated on the person who had just gotten inside my office without knocking.

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