Chapter 69

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Ritika's POV:

Viable Energy is not only Ishita's dream big project but also a great investment. I had spent most of my time completing it but still, some sketch work is left which is not under my supervision thankfully. Finishing the last sip of my coffee I stood up from my desk keeping the cup in the kitchen basin. The doorbell of my apartment rang peeping through the peephole, it was Aditya. My heart raced madly I stood there blankly while he kept banging on the doorbell and even kicked the door.

At last, I gave up the idea to ignore him and opened the door, he glared at me. "Where were you and why the hell you're ignoring my calls?" I fumbled in my words, "I... I was taking a shower in the bathroom." He walked inside with slow intimidating steps, "And the answer to my second question." I looked away from him, "I... I don't think we should see each other. It's not..." he slammed close the door behind him. I yelped out breathing heavily his arms gripped my waist looking deep into my eyes, "Say it again... look into my eyes when you talk. Come on say that I don't love you and whatever I feel is worthless to you." I looked up into his red eyes, "I... I don't love you."

Aditya gripped my chin, "You're lying... the same way you did a minute ago saying that you were using the bathroom but your breath smells like coffee which you had a couple of minutes ago and your hair is completely dry." Ilett a long sigh pushing him away, "Don't make it tough for me, Aditya. You're a nice guy and I adore you, but we come from two different worlds and this collision won't be healthy." He shook his head in disbelief, "You seriously have such narrow mind thoughts even after knowing that I can do anything for you." I looked up into his eyes, "What do you mean?".

Walking close to me he caressed my cheeks, "I can leave my world for you...". I stared at him blankly, he gave me a soft faint smile revealing his cute dimples. I shook my head in disagreement, "No... you shouldn't do that. It's ridiculously... I don't want you to leave your family or friends for me. Why would you even consider it?" he pulled my face close to his lips and mumbled, "Then what do you want me to do? I'm obsessed with you the time you ignored me I got insane doing crazy things trying to overcome the fact that you left me devastated. I wanted to hate you but fall for you even more...".

He moved his lips close to kiss mine, but I stepped away, "Aditya... please leave. Stay away from me and do whatever you want. Just leave me alone..." his eyes stared at the floor and the next moment he snapped opening the door and stepping outside. I stared at his back while he walked out and stopped on his track take look at me, "You want me to leave... I will. You want me to stay away from you... I will. But in all this, I would never stop loving you and be somewhere close to you." He turned away and stepped inside the elevator. I closed my door when he vanished from my eyes and break down curling up on the floor.

Muffling cries my heart ached, I tried to ignore this pain all these days drowning in the work, but he came in front of my eyes refreshing the wounds I have been hiding. Getting myself together I stood up walked towards the shower and cried under it for quite a long time than I intended to. Changing into my comfortable night pajamas I started making my bed when my phone on the nightstand buzzed with Ishita's call. I picked it up hurriedly, "Ritika... Did Aditya come to visit you, or do you have any idea where he would be?" my brows knit at her question. "What? I mean yeah he came to visit me like 5 hours ago then left at the same time."

Ishita sighed, "I don't know where he's, but Maa has turned the house upside not able to talk to his son. Mostly he gives her every update... except some special occasions you know what I mean." I mentally rolled my eyes because I can't call my boss a manic even if she's one. "Maybe he's out at his friend's place or banging some chick in some dark clubs. I don't know..." she hummed in response ending the call. I shrugged my shoulders and placed the pillows hopping inside the comforter. Closing my eyes, I welcomed my sleep after working for hours neglecting my sleep schedule.

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