Chapter 64

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Armaan's POV:

DK stood up from his chair and announced to the members of the board meeting, "Gentlemen, I'm amazed to tell you all that Pearls Entertainment now has the Prince of Dubai as our biggest investor. Yusuf Sheikh and I have a companionable relationship as he believes in my ideas regarding the company's future. We'll discuss the upgrade plan shortly after the month ends." I yawned listening to him bragging about the big achievement this company ever got in history.

Since Yusuf invaded the market, it has been a complete rollercoaster for the entire industry. But we are on the good side so it doesn't matter though for not too long. As I got to know from some insider news that Ishita is willing to step up on the international market promoting green energy by purchasing other companies working on the same idea. She's going to be a global market investor in the green energy field which is a great business plan regarding future capital as everyone wants to switch to something eco-friendly. In addition to being a major economical deal for Indian markets, it would also screw Yusuf on the international front since he was pursuing the same goal.

"Well, I would surely like to mention the person who does have helped me a lot in convincing Yusuf Sheikh." I looked up as DK mentioned it but left me a bit amazed, "Veronica Jain..." I peeped to his left. Veronica stood up graciously and hooked her arm with DK, he went on "She managed to get tickets to Royal Ascot knowing that Yusuf will be present. This meeting helped us a lot and eventually improved the relations with him as ow Yusuf considers our ideas." My brows twitched at the mention because I thought Veronica coincidentally got the tickets to the place Yusuf was going to visit.

They discussed other stats regarding the companies' terms and it ended soon. I moved out of the conference room stepping towards my office but stopped seeing Veronica standing at the entrance. She walked towards me and placed her hand on my shoulder "Let me guess... you're startled that how it all happen?". I looked down at her hand she removed it awkwardly and crossed her arms, "DK wants us to attend a confidential meeting held within one hour." I shrugged it off, "Fine... Tell him I would be there..." trying to walk past her she hopped on my path, "Why so stressed-out Armaan? Do I scare you?" she raised her brows amusingly.

I let out a chuckle which made her scowl, "You know me so well... I'm so stressed out because I'm far away from my wife and missing her badly. One thing which you're wrong about is that I'm scared of you. When the only thing I ever feel for you is pure disgust... from your personality, humor, and all that bullshit coming out of your mouth just adds to it." she fumed in anger. She turned to stare at my open door as I walked by, but I slammed it shut.

In the confidential meeting, Veronica, DK, and their subordinates were present including me. DK looked up at me with hatred, "Armaan... well played... I almost wasn't able to catch you." my forehead ceased glimpsing at others, "What do you mean?" he cleared out my confusion, "I wasn't able to know that you were planning to make us sign the deal with a company that never existed. We weren't able to know about your fraud until Veronica caught the misplaced names of Yusuf's board managers. She caught you planning the fraud and helped us get to the real Yusuf exposing you and your plan."

My palms sweated with the idea of Yusuf switching his side because if not him then how do they know all this? Veronica stood behind my chair placing her hands on my shoulder, "Oh honey... you're so cute thinking that you can frame us falling into your fraud. But you committed many mistakes back-to-back, your first mistake was to sign off your share's authority losing control. Secondly, you made me the COO and the biggest one thinking that I won't recognize Yash under that vile. I have known him since college he was an excellent actor. It took me a while to recognize him but to make myself sure I bugged your office and heard the conversation." She did mention some valid points but I did it to make my plan fruitful but maybe it did backfire.

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