Chapter 21: Death

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Gine's P.O.V

I awoke in a room i  frount of a giant red man. 

"Who are you?! Where am I?!"

"I am King Yemma. You are dead."

"What, but... that bitch! Trunks killed me. Sorry my ass!"

"Actually Gine, he didn't kill you."

"What? And, who's Gine?"

"Broly tried to kill Trunks, Trunks sheilded you with his body but you still died. And you are Gine."

"No! My name is Chilled!"

"Let me check. Gine, only daughter of Son Goku, kidnapped and brainwashed by Frieza. Two acts towards Heaven but... several hundred acts towards Hell. You go below."

"What?! Gah!!" I was falling into a black hole. I couldn't fly. Then I saw it, everyone and everything I loved and forgot. And I wanted to kill them all. Even Trunks... how could I have let this happen? I landed in a place where the sky was black and the ground was covered in fog. I started to think about everything I had done, everyone whose family I killed, the children I left for dead, the family I would never see again. I was mad, at Frieza, at Kuriza... at myself.

"How could I do it? How could I kill all of those people? They didn't do anything. What kind of monster am I?" I could feel the tears trying to come out. And I let them. I screamed at myself and didn't stop. I could feel two energys coming towards me, but I payed no attention to them.

"I'm an idiot! How could I do it?! How did I let it all  happen?! Why didn't I fight back?!" I began punching the ground venting out my anger. Then I heard a voice behind me.

"Hey, are you okay?" It was a women, and her voice was so... nice. I looked up at her and she looked like papa. There was a man next to her and he had papa's hair and looked like him too. But he had a scar on his face and looked angry.

"You're a Saiyan right, why are you displaying yourself in a cowardly manner?" The man asked.

"I-I've made s-so m-m-many mistakes, I've killed so many people. And now I won't see my family, or my friends ever again."

"It feels like after so many years you'd be over it."

"Well you see sir (Stands up) I'm half Saiyan. My father was sent to a planet called Earth before planet Vegeta blew up. He hit his head shortley after arriving and he didn't remember anything."

"You said a planet called Earth?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Gine, you're not saying-"

"Wait, her name's Gine?"

"Yes, that is my name."

"My name's Gine... my father named me."

"Oh Bardock, now do you think?"

"I do. Is your father's name, Kakarot?"

"Yes. But he goes by Goku now. How did you know."

"Before planet Vegeta blew up, Frieza called all the Saiyans to the planet. I had a nagging suspition that he was going to do something bad. Our first born son was off planet still with the prince and my youngest was still in a nursing pod. I convinced my wife to send him away so Frieza couldn't harm him. We sent him to a planet that wasn't as advanced as ours in the hopes that Frieza wouldn't go there. We couldn't go with him because they would've tracked us down and killed us, so we sent him alone. If Frieza hadn't blown up the planet and killed us, I would've brought him home but, he did and we never saw him again."

"He was our little boy. Our Kakarot."

"Then that means that you two are-"

"Your grandparents." I began crying more. My papa said that he was sent to Earth to destroy it, but it was to save him. His parents loved him so much, they'd rather live without him, than spend their last moments with him.

"You'd be proud of my papa. He's the strongest Saiyan alive. Though, there's only two full blooded Saiyans."

"Oh. Who's the other?"

"Uncle (Ahem) excuse, me prince Vegeta."

"What?! The prince?"

"How harsh is he to Kakarot?"

"Well, other than calling him a low-class warrior, an idiot, and saying damn it Kakarot every time he talks to him, he's not bad. I actually consider him my uncle really."

"Wait? You never met our oldest son?"

"No, the only Saiyans I know are my family."

"Then what happened to Raditz, Bardock?"


"Yes. Mine and Gine's other son."

"My older brother told me about him."


"Yeah, he told me how he came to Earth when he was four, beat up my papa and kidnapped my big brother, who as I said, was only four."

"No, Raditz wouldn't do that."

"Gine, he might have. Hanging around Vegeta and Nappa could have changed him."

"My papa actually died fighting him, but they brought him back. You see, all this happened before I was born."

"Wow, how did they bring him back?"

"With these magic orbs called the Dragon Balls, when you gather all seven and a dragon named Shenron appears and grants you three wishes. But some are out of his power. And he can only bring a person back to life once."

"Wow, that sounds awesome."

"Can you tell us a little about you? About your life?"

"Yeah, I guess I've got nothing better to do. I'll actually start with a bit about my papa. So you know how much he's grown. So you can be proud of him."

"I'd like that." We all sat down and I began telling them everything I knew about my papa. Then I told them about me. The looked so happy to know about their son, and I was happy that, despite dying, I was still with family. I couldn't have asked for more. While I was talking to them, a man with long hair, a tail, and a scar on his chest, walked from the fog.

"Mother? Father?"

"Raditz?" My grandmother ran to him and hugged him. She then slapped him.

"How could you do that to your little brother?! To your nephew?!"

"What, how do you know about that mother?"

"What's it matter?! Why would you do something like that any way son?! He's family, and you where supossed to stick together when you found him."

"I'm sorry father. Vegeta and Nappa were gonna kill me, I though-" My grandmother put her finger over his lips.

"What's done is done. Now, come meet someone."

"Who?" I stood up and looked at him.


"Wh-who are you?"

"I'm Kakarot's daughter. My name Gine." His eyes widened at me.

"If you're Kakarots daughter, why are you here?" I told him my story, and at the end he apologized to me for everything he ever did to my family. I accepted and was glad that he turned out like Vegeta. After meeting my family, I wasn't sad anymore. I had my grandmother, my grandfather, and my uncle. It was like almost everyone was here. But, for uncle Vegeta, I set out in search for his father, and I'm still looking. Everyone stayed with me on my journy, when I find king Vegeta, he's going to be proud of his son.

Hello, I know it's been a while, but when I started my break, my dad got covid, then everyone else did, then I was just like, I don't know so... yeah. And it looks like Cell is gone so that's good, very good. Well I hope that you enjoyed this chapter. I hope to see you in the next one... well, I'm not gonna see you but, I hope you read the next chapter. Bye!

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