Chapter 10: Back to Normal

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As Vegeta reflects on the first encounter with the monster that Gine has become, Goku tries to turn her back by calming her down.

"Gine sweetie, I'm right here. It's papa."

Gine shows no signs of recognition. In other words, she doesn't know who Goku is. 'Damn it Vegeta, I could have calmed her before. Now she's to far gone. I need to convince her just like last time that I'm fine, that everyone is fine. But that barley worked, I just have to  pray.' Goku thought trying to figure out how he can calm her down.

"Gine, I'm fine. I'm not gone see, I'm right here with you." Goku said inching closer.

"Grrrr." Gine stared into his sincere black eyes as he stopped. But she grew angrier at him despite the caring look in his eyes. As Gine was about to go after Beerus, she heard something.

"Wait!" A little boys voice shouted. Everyone turned to see Goten hovering over Gine about six feet above her.

"Goten get away from her!" Chi-Chi shouted.

"She won't hurt me." He said boldly.

He lowered next to her and he looked into her eyes. She stared at him.

"Sis, are you okay?" He asked then saw her eyes flashed black then red. Goku noticed and flew up to her.

"Hey wee one. It's alright." He said extending his arms.

"P-papa" She said before giving in and hugging him.

"It's alright, I promise I'm just fine." Goku said hugging her tight, and calming her down.

Goten joined in as Goku slowly lowered to the ground. Gohan got up and stumbled, so Chi-Chi walked him over to them. As they were walking over to them Gine reverted back to her normal state. She was asleep but that did not stop them all from hugging their sister and daughter.

(A/N) Hey I hope you like this chapter. I know it's a short one, but I'm kind of losing the story idea. I've been reading some x reader books so I might start one. But if I do I will still try to upload chapters to this. If you enjoy this and have some Ideas on what happens next, please tell me and I will see what I can do. Thank you my lovely readers and have a great day/afternoon/evening.

Dragon Ball Fanfiction: Gine Daughter of GokuWhere stories live. Discover now