Chapter 2: Meeting Again

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Eight years later;

"So sis, how do you feel about competing in the World Martial Arts Tournament?" Gohan said to Gine.

"Same as you feel." She responded.

"And how does it feel to get a surprise before your birthday?"

"Weird, especially since it's only for me and not Goten to. If a surprise is not on either of our birthdays, it's usually for both of us."

Gine walks toward Chi-Chi.

"Hey mom."

"Yes Gine?" Chi-Chi replied.

"I have to use the bathroom." Gine whispered trying not to attract attention.

"It's right over there, go ahead."

"Okay. Be right back mom."

Shortley after Gine went to the bathroom, a familiar voice from behind everyone said hello. Everyone turned around to see Goku standing there. Goten hid behind Chi-Chi.

"Sweetie that's your father." Chi-Chi chuckled

"How weird, I was just about to say how much the little guy looks like me." Goku said amazed.

"You're my daddy?" Goten said.

"You're my daddy!" Goten exclaimed as he ran to hug his father.

Sniffle sniffle

"Huh" Goku said as he sat Goten on the ground and turned around

"Huh" Goku said as he sat Goten on the ground and turned around

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"P-papa?" Gine says tears running down her cheek.

"Gine?" Goku said looking at his daughter once again after so long.

"Papa!" Gine yelled running at her father.

Goku says nothing and picks up his little girl. He lifts her out in front of him.

"There's no way this is little Gine

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"There's no way this is little Gine." Goku chuckled.

"She sure has grown, hasn't she." Chi-Chi said chuckling as well.

Gine pulls from her father's grip and lunges forward. She grasps on and starts to cry more.

"Strong too huh." Goku said still smiling.

" Goku said still smiling

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"I love you papa. I missed you papa." Gine starts to cry.

"Honestly, I'm surprised you remembered me. But I missed you too, sooo much. My little Gine."

As he holds his daughter, he reaches down to pick up Goten. He holds them both tightly in his arms.

" And now I have three." Goku said walking towards Gohan who hugs all three of them.

Chi-Chi walks over to hug them as well. As the family stood there all together in each other's grasp, it felt as if time had stopped. A family once torn is now whole again. Though they enjoy this beautiful sight, Goku's friends want to talk with him after all it has been eight years.

"Excuse me." Krillin said nervous.

"What is it Krillin?" Goku said placing his children on the ground.

"How have you been Goku?"

"I've been good." Goku says leading into a conversation with Krillin.

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