Chapter 3: Tournament Time

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"Alright let's get going." Goku said excited.

"Yeah, I'm going to show you how strong I am papa." Gine said full of pride.

"Me too." Goten said prideful as well.

"And I can't wait to see." Goku said patting both of their heads.

"Yeah, let's go come on Trunks" Gine and Goten said simultaneously.

"Alright let's do this." Trunks said confidently.

The group of friends and family walk to the table to enter the tournament.

"Hey Trunks." Gine said looking at her best friend.

"What?" Trunks replied

"Um... I-I like your shoes." Gine said glancing down.

"Um, thanks they are new. My mom made em for me yesterday." He said kinda confused about the whole conversation.

As the group waits in line Gine wonders what it would be like to fight with her father. Maybe I'm as strong as him. I wonder what it would have been like if he taught me everything he knew? I can't wait!

"Alright, you guys go first." Goku said looking at Trunks, Gine, and Goten.

The three walk up and state that they're here for the tournament.

"Age?" Asked the man at the table.

"Eight." Said Trunks.

"Eight." Stated Gine.

"Seven." Announced Goten.

"I'm sorry but you cannot compete in the real tournament, but you can compete in the junior division."

"WHAT?!" All three exclaimed.

"It's okay guys." Gohan said.

"Go ahead and compete in the junior division." Krillin said.

"Show those other kids whose boss." Goku said.

"Yeah, let's do it guys!" Gine said ready to battle.

Everything from there on went as expected until Vegeta blew up a piece of equipment.

(Author's note: I'm not good at describing fights so edits will be made with pictures of the fight scenes as soon as possible.) (Everything was just like Dragon Ball Z. The only change was Trunks fused with Gine instead of Goten.)

This is Trune

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This is Trune.

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