Chapter 14: Broken Up

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Gine changed her clothes and fixed her hair differently. She wore a hot pink short sleeve shirt, purple sweatpants, and light blue slide on shoes. And she let her hair down out of its ponytail. It almost touched the floor, and she moved her bangs to the side. She walked to the dining area and saw a plate for her. Everyone else was eating except Trunks and Mai. They weren't at the table. Gine didn't want to be nosey, so she sat down at her seat, said a prayer, and began eating. It took her about thirty minutes to eat all the food on her plate. But Trunks and Mai were still gone.

Gine's P.O.V

"Um, where are Trunks and Mai?"

"They went outside, they had a fight and Trunks didn't want us to see." Bulma answered

"Okay. You know what, I'm gonna step outside. I don't really have anything to do so I want to go to Shimo's cave."

"Okay. Take a jacket, it's cold out."

"I will mom. Bye."


I grabbed my jacket left the house and walked to Shimo's cave. On the way there, I heard someone... arguing. I went to where I heard the noise and found Trunks and Mai arguing.

"You are such a jerk!"

"Why?! What did I do?!"

"You picked up Gine when Goten could've! He was literally right next to you! But you did!"

"Cause it was my father who knocked her out! I was trying to make up for it! It's not like I fucked her!"

"But it's not just that! You don't do anything for me!"

"That's bullshit! Who cleans our room at Capsule Corp?! Who buys those clothes for you?!"

"I do!"

"That's a goddamn lie and you know it!"

"It's not a lie! I do everything!"

"The only thing you do that involves everything is sitting around and bitching about everything?!"

"Stop lying!"


"Well, if that's how you feel then we're through."

"GOOD! I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN!" With Trunks saying that, Mai walked off. I hid so she wouldn't see me. Trunks kicked some dirt and looked in the direction Mai walked off to. Then he sat down and started to cry. I couldn't stand to see him so sad. So, I walked over to him and sat down. I said nothing to him. We sat in almost complete silence. Trunks quiet sobs and crickets were the only things I could hear. Then Trunks looked at me. His eyes were red and puffy. I almost wanted to cry cause of how sad he was. Then he hugged me.

"Th-thank you." He sobbed.

"You're welcome. Anything for my best friend." I returned his hug.

"I'm glad you're home. You always make me feel better."

"I-I do?"

"Yeah. You're the greatest friend I've ever had Gine."

"And you're mine Trunks." Trunks kept crying onto my shoulder till he had fallen asleep. I tried to be as gentle as possible as I moved his limp body onto the ground. I was too tired to take him home and I didn't want to leave him here alone, so I laid down next to him. Soon I dozed off to the sound of Trunks' snores.

Trunks P.O.V

I woke up. I don't even remember falling asleep. It must've happened when I was hugging Gine. I opened my eyes, and I was still in the same area. I looked around and saw Gine next to me. She was shivering. She was wearing a jacket, but it was a very thin one and it was really cold. I was too tired to take her to her home, but I did manage to scoot over to her. I grabbed the rim of my jacket and put it over her. I also put my arm over her, just to keep her warm. I closed my eyes to go back to sleep. I felt her roll over and scoot towards me. This was the comfiest I've been in three years. Soon I dozed back off.

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