Chapter 8 The Beast Unleashed

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Time Skip: Beerus gets angry and fights the Z fighters. Beerus knocked out Gohan and Gotenks which is essentially Goten.

Vegeta's POV

Staring at Gine, I can see she's furious. I can also see that her tail has grown back. I don't know if I should do what I'm about to, I remember last time. But if I don't, Beerus could destroy the Earth. I have to.

No one's POV

"Gine! He killed Kakarot!" Vegeta yelled lying to the girl.

"What." Gine said


"What?" Beerus says puzzled, not knowing who Kakarot is.

"PAPAAAAAAA!!!!!!!" Gine shrieked at the top of her lungs.

All of the sudden she was surrounded in gold energy. But it wasn't like Super Saiyan. From her power, the ground began to crack starting to create smoke.

"Vegeta, what have you done?" Krillin says, knowing what's coming.

She stopped screaming. It was complete silence as the smoke cleared. Through the smoke where Gine stood, there was now a beast. It stood six foot tall, it had fangs sharp enough to pierce bone. It had breasts as well, showing it was a female. She was like a small Great Ape.

"Where did the child go!?" Beerus shouted. Even he could sense how strong she was. Not strong enough to kill Beerus, but she could beat him up good.

"That is the girl!" Vegeta yelled, flashing back to the first encounter with this monster.

The creature... Gine began to speak in a deep, almost demonic voice. "You killed my papa. You killed my papa." it began to repeat over and over, stepping closer to Beerus with every sentence. Beerus froze where he stood from fear. He never thought anything could be this strong compared to him.

Then She stopped. She looked into his eyes. They flashed normal then back to the deep red they were. She lunged at him managing to scratch him before he was able to dodge. He looks at his arm, then Gine. Then his arm. As he stares at it, he sees it has four big gashes. Deep enough to scratch the bone. He felt it had tried to hold in the pain.

Then out of nowhere was Goku.

"GINE STOP!" He yelled as loud as he could

See glared at her father, once again her eyes flashed from their normal onyx color to the deep red. All traces of Gine's personality had escaped this monster, leaving behind pure hatred. Vegeta still recalling the last time he met with the monster, when he was controlled by Babidy. As he beat down Goku he felt pride. But he heard a whimper, almost that of a kitten meowing. He turned around to see Gine standing behind him.

(A/N) I have a question. Are you enjoying my book? Please tell me below and give me ideas for another story featuring Gine or a new character. Thank you, enjoy your day!

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