Chapter 13: Coming Home

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It's been two years since Gine left Earth, and now it was time for her to go home. She couldn't wait to go home. She was gonna wear her favorite outfit, she wore black leggings, a grey tank top, and an orange Capsule Corp jacket. But she wanted one last spar with Beerus.

"Come on! I thought you were Goku's daughter, put up a fight at least!" Beerus launched a blast at Gine.

Gine quickly dodged the blast.

"It'll take more than that Beerus!"

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"It'll take more than that Beerus!"

"Like this?" Beerus launched a ton of blasts at Gine. They were so fast that she couldn't dodge them all. She even went into her new form Super Saiyan God, and she still had trouble.

"That's enough. We need to get going."

"Right. Come on Gine!"

"I'm comin I'm comin!"

Gine flew over to Whis and Beerus. Beerus put his hand on Whis's shoulder and Gine put her hand on Beerus' shoulder, and they were gone. After about 30 minutes, they arrived on Earth. The landed in the back yard of Gine's home. After the bright light from their entrance went away, the first thing to be seen was Chi-Chi running out of the house. Gine's eye's brightened seeing her mother again after two years.

"Gine!" Chi-Chi exclaimed running to hug her daughter. "I missed you so much Gine."

"I missed you too mom."

"Wee one!" Goku ran out of the house and basically stole Gine from Chi-Chi to hug her himself.

"I missed you papa."

"Sis?" Goten said wondering who Goku was hugging.

"Hey lil bro, 17 now huh? Boy I was hoping you would be 16 when I came back."

"Shut up."

"Don't tell me shut up!" Gine sassed punching his arm.

"Missed ya."

"Missed you too."

"Hey wee one. Can we spar?"



Goku went Super Saiyan and so did Gine. They started sparring and Goku was winning, mostly cause he went Super Saiyan three to Gine's Super Saiyan two. Then Gine decided it was time for her to beat her father, so she flew away and became surrounded by a red aura. When it was gone, the only thing visible was Gine with red hair and eyes. She had gone Super Saiyan God. Goku's eyes widened and Goten's jaw dropped.

"She can go God!?" The father and son shouted in sync.

"Well, let's level the playing field!" With that Goku powered up to Super Saiyan God as well.

"Right! Let's go papa!"

They continued their fight in God form. After about an hour of fighting a concerned Vegeta came to the house with Trunks, Bulla, Mai, and Bulma.

"Hey Trunks."

"Sup Goten. Who's your dad fighting?"

"I would like to know also."

After both Vegeta and Trunks asked, Goku and Gine stopped their fight and landed on the ground.


Gine turned her head and saw Vegeta and his family. The first person she saw was Trunks. She smiled real big and walked towards the family.

"Hello guys. I missed ya'll."

"Missed you too!" Trunks exclaimed hugging Gine, who was still in God form. Gine blushed as everyone there stared while she returned the hug. Mai walked over to the both of them.

"Trunks sure has missed you. All he was talking about these past two years was how strong you'd become and how much he couldn't wait to see you."


"Um... yeah. You're my best friend."

"Hey uncle Vegeta. Did you miss me?"


"I'll take that as a yes." Gine said hugging Vegeta. Vegeta looked at her as she was hugging him.

"Tch. Trunks."

"Yeah dad?"

"You're going to go train with Whis."

"What?!" Gine let go of Vegeta and Vegeta walked towards Trunks.

"You can't allow the child of a low-class warrior to be more powerful than a Saiyan elite."

"But I'm happy with my strength right now. Besides, I eighteen now. You can't tell me what to do."

"Tch. Fine."

"C'mon uncle Vegeta. Lighten up."

"So, we get left out?"

"Of course not auntie Bulma and baby Bulla." Gine hugged them both.

"It's good to see you again. And you look so cute in that outfit."

"Oh yeah. The jacket I gave you looks really good on you."

"Thanks." Gine started to blush.

"Now Gine."

"Uh, yes Vegeta?"

"I want to spar with you."

"Alright." Gine entered Super Saiyan God. She knew that Vegeta wanted to get straight to the point. Vegeta entered God form as well. They fought for an hour or so. Vegeta was losing the fight, so he went Super Saiyan Blue. They fought for another hour and Gine was holding her own. Then Vegeta did a Galick Gun. Gine didn't have enough energy to shoot a blast back, and it hit her head on. When the smoke cleared she was still standing in that same area.

 When the smoke cleared she was still standing in that same area

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"That was a little harsh uncle Vegeta."

"You survived didn't you."

"Yeah, I guess I did." Gine winced shortly before she fell forward.

"Gine!" Trunks yelled before running out to her with Goten. "Dad are you trying to kill her?!"

"So what if I am?!"

"Vegeta! You bastard!" Goku screamed.

"It was a joke you damn clown!"

Trunks picked up Gine, and walked her over to Goku. Goku took her from Trunks and brought her to her room. He walked back outside and Chi-Chi had invited everyone to dinner. Of course, they accepted. Once dinner was ready Goku went to go get Gine. She was awake and moving around.

"Hey, dinner's ready."


"Is something wrong?"

"T-Trunks picked me up, didn't he?"

"Yeah. Why?"

"No reason."

"You should probably change your clothes."

"Okay, I'll be down when I'm ready."

"Okay. See ya in a bit."

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