Chapter 20: Chilled vs Trunks

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Chilled's P.O.V

"You're delusional Kakarot. There's no way thats Gine. If Freiza kidnapped her she'd be a dead Saiyan. And she probably is."

"Guess you're right Vegeta. I just thought, maybe she could still be... maybe there was a chance that my wee one wasn't." The one I figured was Goku, the one I was told was heartless, was crying. Was Gine his wife? But, the name wee one sounds teasing, like a nickname from a father or brother. But the words he used. I felt the need to hug him, I don't know why but, I must be going mad.

"Are we going to fight or sit here and cry like babies. Or should I say like Son Goku?"

"Hey! That's my dad."

"Yeah! And this is my dad. Big whoop!"

"Grrrr. She can't be Gine cause Gine's not a BITCH!"

"Whatever. I'm not even supposed to fight you so." I stuck up my middle finger and shot him my death glare. Then I looked at the other guy. He was quiet. He seemed framiliar too.

Flash backs

"I am Great Saiyaman!"

"Wow. You look cool Gohan. I wanna be as cool as you."

"Thanks Goten. Hey what do you think Gine?"

"Um... it's nice?"

"Nice? Not cool?"

"Uh..." (Shruggs shoulders)

(Sighs) "It's stupid, huh?"

"Well... I guess if you like it big brother then I like it too. But, I don't understand it. It does look a little silly but I guess thats what makes it cool."

"Wow, I'm in High School and I learning more from an eight year old than my teachers. Hahaha!"

End flash backs

"Heh heh hahaha."

"What's so funny Chilled?"

"Ha (ahem) nothing."

"Mmmm." Kuriza started talking to father. Then he gave me a pill of some kind.

"Here. Father said it's to make you stronger." (Little did she know it would actually keep her from remembering more things.)

"Okay?" I moved my mask and took the pill quickly moving the mask up over my face again. Not covering my eyes. 

"Now can we fight?!"

"Sure. I get the big guy."

Third person P.O.V

"We'll see. Broly, Vegeta's the one with the m for a hairline. It's called a widows peak."


"Hmm. Now let's go! I'm tired of sitting around. I'm ready to fight. Now, father who's my target?"

"The one with the purple hair."

"Wait me?!"

"No, the guy behind you. If you're Vegeta's son then I'm going to fight you." Chilled got into fighting stance. So did Trunks. Then Chilled flew at him and threw a punch. He blocked it and hit her back. Soon everyone else went after their selected opponent. Freiza vs Goku, Broly vs Vegeta, Kuriza vs Gohan and Goten, and Chilled vs Trunks.

"You're...  pretty strong" Chilled said panting.

"You're not to bad yorself." Trunks said panting as well.

"You know, I think this fight calls for something a little more... (Grabs knives) sharp" Chilled held her knives backwards in her hand. In other words the blades of her knives was faceing towards her.

"Okay then." Trunks pulled a capsule out of his jacket pocket in pressed the lid. When it opened he had Tapion's sword in his hand.

"Lets get this going." Chilled rushed at Trunks and sliced at him with her knives. He blocked with his sword and tried to hit her with it. She stopped it and kicked him in the stomach. Then Trunks went Super Saiyan. After Chilled went Super Sayain.

"I guess we're tied."

"Must be."

"Wrong." Chilled launched a ki blast a Trunks' face and didn't miss. Trunks flew backwards a bit then grabbed his face.

Chilled's P.O.V

I landed a blast on his face. But for some reason I was worried. I ran over to him and crouched beside him.

"Let me see your face."

"Why? You're the one who did it. Shouldn't you be happy?"

"Let. Me. See. Your. Face." He moved his hands and he was bleeding from his cheek. I hit his whole face and it only left a spot on his cheek?! I took off my mask and put it on him since I didn't have any bandages. He looked at me and his eyes widened.

"Hey. Why are you staring at me?"

"What did he do to you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You're, just not how I remember you."

"Look I've never seen you before."


"..." He kept staring at me. But I was staring at him so... Then I heard my father.

"What are you doing!? Kill him!"

"I... I'm sorry."


Trunks P.O.V

I had knocked her out. I didn't want her to kill me, and I didn't want to kill her. Then I heard that Broly guy. He was pissed off. He launched a blast aiming for me but the blast was going to hit Gine too. Without thought I jumped on her to block the blast as it hit.

Vegeta's P.O.V

"Trunks!" Damn it. Why didn't he try to dodge. Wait, the girl. He knocked her out, then blocked a blast from hitting her. I, was wrong. It was Gine. And my only son risked his life to safe least I can tell Bulma and Bra he died being a hero. Broly was staring at the smoke. I could see him get even more angry. I don't know what he was gonna do, but It was gonna be bad.

(A/N) In a lot of stuff I watch or read about Dragon Ball they call Bulla Bra so if that's what I type I mean Bulla.)

How did you like this chapter? I thought it was- "Perfect!" I was gonna say good but that works. Anyone seen Gohan? I need to get this dumbass out of my books or typing space. Idk where he is. Well bye. Also I might not post a chapter for the next couple of days. I'm planning on doing something with my family. Have a great day/afternoon/night!

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