[21 part 2]

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Well. Kipo is proud to say, she has food for the humans now. Molly and Kipo beheaded about, twenty flamingos who were actually mean and let the dogs take the heads. The rest of the flamingos were too scared to come near, so as of now, the riders need new steeds and were held back.

Kipo knocked on the wall, panting heavily. "Hoag..Open up.."

The wall opened, Hoag immediately backtracking and waving at the air, "What's the smell?-"

"Your dinner for the rest of the month.." Kipo stumbled in, falling to her knees. "Ah geez that was a lot of jumping..Do..Do you guys have a sauna of something..?"


Kipo purred as the warm waters relaxed her body, soothing a few of her bruises and cuts. Though it's a superstition cats hate water, it's not true. They're the cleanest animals for Mute's sake. Kipo sighed in relief, her soaking tail picking up her separate towel to wipe her face.

She wasn't stupid and had a towel around herself in the water, she could care less if it was wet. She lazily glanced back as footsteps approached, perking up, "Wolf!!"

The human knelt down behind Kipo, patting her head, "We..We heard the explosions..Is everything okay..?"

Kipo shook her head slowly, "It was unexpected..And as I told you before, I couldn't waste another second if you were there..I really couldn't spare anyone time..You saw Billions, didn't you?"

Wolf nodded, "Is he going to be okay..?"

Kipo caressed her cheek, pulling her down a bit and placing a small kiss on her cheek. "He'll be quite alright, I'm more worried about you, Wolf. This war isn't good for your wild side is it?"

Wolf hummed softly, "I just want to go back to the Observatory.."

Kipo stayed silent, clearing her throat. "Kipo..It is still there..Isn't it..?"

"..That was the first thing destroyed.." Kipo uttered. "And..I'm afraid I don't have my home anymore.."

Wolf held Kipo close, hushing her softly, "It's okay Kipo..It'll all be okay I promise.." Wolf moved her damp hair back, gently scratching behind her fluffy ears.

Kipo felt her breath hitch, trembling. Then, she sobbed. Kipo covered her face, crying in to her palms as Wolf stayed quiet, and waited for Kipo to open up.


Ten minutes later, Kipo felt a ton better, thanked Wolf immensely, and got ready. She dealt with a few of her wounds, checked up on Billions, bid Wolf a nice farewell, and left with Molly. The decapitated birds were already dealt with and cleaned, so the smell was mostly gone.

Molly peeked around the tunnel before nodding, Kipo creeping up with her. Their ears perked up, the faint rumble of the dogs running above them and a distant bark from the older dog. Kipo brought out her paws, herself and Molly sprinting it out of the tunnel to resurface.

It was long, damp, and quiet. Halfway through, they stopped. The rumbling grew closer, then a deafening pop followed with a thud. Kipo pounced to the left, digging out a hole, Molly flexing her adorable paw pads and assisting Kipo with burrowing a different way.

As they dug up, the smell of blood thickened the air, but no further sounds followed. Kipo kicked up, pulling herself out of the hole, pulling Molly out, the two covering it before looking around. Kipo's heart drop as she spotted the scene ahead of her, and only sunk further when the smell worsened.

Molly let out a heavy breath, tail drooped and all, "Mute help us all.."

The mega dog was lying down, blood trickling down its mouth, bloodshot eyes. Kipo growled softly, yowling, a puff of smoke surrounding her. Molly shouted at the mega jaguar as she went to stand beside the dog, sniffing her out. "Merrrow-"

She was still alive, barely, but alive. Kipo looked around, the other mega dogs had taken off, leaving the corgi on Death's door. Kipo examined the wounds on her, purring softly, catching her attention. The corgi whimpered weakly, Kipo licking her cheek, stepping back and running towards the town.

She came back very soon with a banner, Molly now understanding the situation, and helping Kipo wrap her side. For the time being, the corgi would have to be left here and hopefully not die. Besides, she would heal faster anyways, larger mutes have accustomed to wounds this large, yet not so sudden.

Kipo growled softly to the corgi, a sorrow whimper answering her. Kipo picked up Molly, meowing as she made her way to the mall's tree. "Are you crazy!?"

"Mrr~!" Kipo yowled, lowering her head and bunking in to the tree.

It shook, panicked screams coming from inside. Kipo meowed to Molly, the Timbercat uttering nonsense as she climbed down and began to cut at the roots. "BOOM BOOM! BOOM BOOM!" A chirp came from above, followed by an explosion.

Branches from the trees fell, Timbercats landing by Molly, chopping the roots. Snakes burrowed under the tree, coming out with chipped roots, and..The tree creaked as it fell over, flamingos and orangutans scrambling out with humans and monkeys, beginning the charge.

Kipo yowled, 'This a surprisingly unfair fight! We might wi-'

Blue smoke rose along with a two headed mute, larger than Kipo. She jumped back, the walrus like mute grinning and stepping forward. 'Doctor Emilia..' Kipo brought her paw back, and pounced.

The mute grabbed ahold of her, smirking, "GRAH!" The walrus threw Kipo to the trees, jumping after her.

Kipo scrambled up, spinning quickly, tail slapping the mute. She was grabbed, hoisted up, and thrown to the trees. 'She's a psychopath!' Kipo roughly placed her paw on the branch.

It snapped, the mute gripping the bark with her claws, pouncing. She butt in to the mute, paw outstretched- Kipo yowled as she was bit by the second head, jerking back. The fangs only sank deeper, the hold tightening. Suddenly, the walrus pulled back, screaming and covering their eye.

Kipo spun, lifting her hind legs and kicking, the walrus flying to the trees, sliding down it. "Are you alright Kipo!?" Molly waved her backup axe.

The jaguar nodded, waving her paw lightly to shake off the blood. Kipo chuffed, glaring at the walrus as it struggled to stand. Kipo stepped forward, several clicks getting her ears to perk up, the walrus grinning. "DIDN'T EXPECT THAT DID YOU KITTY CAT?" The devilish monkey cackled.

She yowled, kicking back the dirt and jumping, climbing up the tree. She pounced, and chomp! Missed. A dart was shot in to her shoulder, the jaguar growling softly before she pounced again. Several more darts were fired, and..This..Felt different..

Kipo pulled Scarelegmane down with her, pinning him and his flamingo to the ground. This time, he was terrified. This time, Kipo was in control. This time. Kipo would be in charge of who received a punishment.

She growled, leaning in, and- More darts were fired, Kipo lying down with a thud. Heck..This was actually starting to..Hurt..Kipo's head landed by Scarelegmane, the monkey gripping his shirt over his heart. "Song.." Kipo growled softly.

He froze. Kipo's fur crystallized, the jaguar whimpering softly, "I want Song..I want my mom-" The jaguar hissed, eyes rolling back before they closed. "Mom.."

The fur hardened, and shattered, Kipo turning back, limp against the flamingos wing. "Song..?" Scarelegmane peeked over his car. "Song is..?"

He hopped out of his vehicle, picking Kipo up, lying her in the back before hopping back in his car. The flamingo sat up, wings spread. "Song..Tch- To the dogs!" Scarelegmane yelled. "We've got some hunting to do!"

The walrus struggled to stand, letting out a pained cry, then a shriek. Explosive nectar was thrown at her, burns appearing on her scales. Deafening booms followed each cry, and soon enough, they were silenced. Never to start up again.

To be continued.

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