Chapter 3: Bite

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Chapter 3

I turn the cold metal doorknob and open the door. The room is quiet, the only thing you can hear is pencils sliding across the student's paper. I walk up to the wooden desk and place the folded piece of paper on it.

"Here's my pass," I whisper to my teacher.

"Thank you, go sit down and start your work." She whispers back.

I walk to the back of the classroom and sit in a seat behind a guy with short blond hair. He has on a green t-shirt that looks like it's been through the washer a couple of times. He's talking to the guy in the next row over, he has long black hair and a blue polo on. He's actually not that bad-looking.

I take out a piece of paper and a pencil. I couldn't help but overhear the guy's conversation.

"Dude, what happened to your arm?" The guy with black hair says while looking at the other guy's arm that was wrapped in gauze.

"I got bit by this dog when I was walking to my bus stop. It looked like it had rabies man. But I'm fine, it didn't hurt, that bad." He says trying not to let the teacher hear.

"Woah, dude. That's awesome! Did you go home after and get bandaged up?"

"Nah, I went to the school nurse." He says with pride in his eyes.

"They didn't send you home?" The kid with black hair says surprised.

"Nope, I told the nurse I tripped coming up the stairs and hit my arm."

"She believed you? She couldn't tell it was a bite?" He asked.

"Yeah, it definitely looks like a bite mark. That old hag couldn't see anything even if she had eye surgery." They both laugh just as the teacher gets up to the board and starts talking.

"Noah, Isaiah, stop talking." She demands.

"Yeah, Isaiah. Shut up." The blond kid says.

I'm guessing the blond kid is Noah and the kid with black hair is Isaiah. I've never paid attention to this class so I don't know anyone's name.

"Okay everyone, turn to page 148 in your books and answer questions 1 through 19." The teacher says.

The room is filled with the sound of pages flipping. I reach under my seat and pick up the book that was in the compartment. I turn to page 148 and start working.

I try to concentrate but Noah and Isaiah keep talking. There's no use, I'll just wait until they stop talking to at least attempt my work. Anyway, their conversation is pretty interesting. I tune in on what they're saying.

"How did you get bit by that dog, you didn't see it coming at you?" Isaiah whispers.

"I was walking by the Metro Lab and the dog jumped over the fence and bit me. I really didn't see it coming until it was already done." Noah says while looking at the pages that the teacher wrote on the board.

"How did you get the dog off of you?"

Noah doesn't answer. Isaiah looks puzzled.

"Noah, how did you get the dog off of you?" He says thinking that he didn't hear him.

Noah is just sitting there still looking at the board. It seems like forever but finally, Noah says something. A low moan escapes his chapped lips. The next thing surprised me. Noah's head smacks on the wooden desk making a large bang echo in the almost silent classroom.

"Dude are you okay?" I hear Isaiah whisper.

Isaiah looks at me with a puzzled look, I guess he knew I was listening to their conversation. I give him a shrug of my shoulders.

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