Chapter 1

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Pete POV

I own a small shop that carries anything you can ever imagine. I have had a lonely life, my parents died when I was younger and I was sent to an orphanage. I later escaped because the owner was a pedophile, but nobody paid attention to what he had tried to do to us or how he treated us.

I managed to escape with my innocence and open up this shop as a coping mechanism to my anxiety.

There is this guy that has recently been hanging outside my shop's door. He is very handsome but he looks scary and unapproachable. He is scaring away customers I think.

My brain is telling me to stay away from him but my heart is telling me to approach him. I am determined, that today I going to learn his name or at least approach him.


The alarm of my shop's door went off. I look up ready to greet the customer only to realize it was the guy who has been hanging around outside my shop for the past few days. But for some reason he is wearing a smirk.

"Hello can I help you with something?" I say.

"Yes, I am going to need you to come with me." The man says with an even wider smirk.

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Well you see my name is Vegas, and I come from a very wealthy background and I have bought this shop and you, as of recently and today it just became official." He says still smirking, just this time leaning over the counter.

I honestly have no idea what the fuck this guy is talking about. I am self made I have made this store myself and I, myself am definitely my self so nobody "owns" me.

I am getting pissed at this bastard he has been lounging around the outside of my shop for the past few days and the first time he actually enters he had the nerve to tell me that everything I own including myself, he now owns, bullshit!

"Sir Vegas, if you are not going to buy anything or if you are going to keep making jokes about how this store and I am now yours... I suggest you go fuck yourself." I say determinedly with a smirk now on my face as well.

"I don't think you have the right to speak to the owner of this shop like that. I suggest you follow what I tell you to do. So that this shop can stay open, so that you are still employed and alive." Vegas says condescendingly.

"With that being said, as a thing that you could do for me, marry me for convenience." He says still smirking.

God I just want to slap that fucking smirk off his face he has been wearing that for the past 10 minutes from when he has entered MY shop. I am gay but this guy's personality piss me off, honestly every word that comes out of his mouth.

"What if I say no?" I ask also condescendingly.

"Then I will have to force you to come with me." He says back to me.

"Well then you will have to force me from the very spot I am standing because there is no way in hell I am marrying you nor going anywhere alone with you." I say with determination.

"Okay have it your way." He says smirk still yet to leave his face.

All of a sudden I feel two people grab my arms and places them against my back as if I am getting arrested.

"What the fuck?" I yell at Vegas.

"What? You said I would have to take you away from the very spot your standing,right? Well that is just what I am doing technically." He says then motions the 2 men that have me in their grasp to drag me to the car that was conveniently parked outside.

This prick thinks that he can just kidnap without reason and just force me to do what every he wants, good fucking luck.

I already have a plan thought out as to how I am going to get out of this situation but for now I will play innocent.

I get pushed to the back of the car and am put facing him who is sat face to face with me.

"I know you are already planning something based on your silence but let me tell you that I am not the easiest man to get away from once I have captured the thing I have been preying on." Vegas says while looking out the window.

"You don't know shit about what I am thinking so do make assumptions. I was just thinking about what kind of house you live in it must be a mansion if you say your wealthy." I say defensively.

Vegas laughs,"Darling you might not realize it but I can read you like an open book and Stockholm syndrome doesn't set in this early."

Fuck can I just kill him at this point. He is starting to annoy me, it's as if he is already in my head. I have escaped from somewhere before might as well do it again.

"Now play naïve or however you want to call it because all that determination and will-power will soon turn into fear." He says.

You want me to do that I will. I will make your life a living hell. I say in my head and just bored my look out the window.

We arrive at Vegas's house.

I am kind of surprised because it's in the shadow of a busy market alleyway. He walks in front while the two men from before push me behind him to walk.

"Take him to my room. I will deal with him later. I want to let reality sink in." He says.

The drag me to his room well I guess you could say his wing of the whole entire house.

They trust me to be alone? No way. I think to myself. I look for anything that can possible get me out of his wing. Even with so many rooms there still ain't shit to help me.

Whatever I am tired I will just lay on his bed for a little bit.

2 hours later~

I feel as though I am being watched even though I have my eyes closed. I open them just to see the asshole.

"Good morning, Beautiful." Vegas says but dripping with sarcasm.

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