Chapter 78 The New World (Part 3)

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Chapter 78 The New World (Part 3)

Cen Yao stayed in Wang's villa for a few days, and followed Wang Weichu in and out for a few days, so he had a general understanding of this Wang Weichu's life trajectory.

His parents died unexpectedly while he was still in high school. Wang Weichu was affected, missed the college entrance examination, and was locked in the Wang family villa for a year.

His brother, who has been busy with experiments all the year round, came back to find him, took him to see a psychiatrist, and helped him pick up his missed studies. Wang Weichu repeated a year and was successfully admitted to a good prestigious school. And the Wang family is supported by Brother Wang, so it won't fall too fast.

After graduating, Wang Weichu stayed at the school as a professor. His temperament was gentle and good, and the students liked him very much. Even male and female students handed him love letters.

As he grew older, Brother Wang began to rush to introduce his girlfriend to Wang Weichu.

But Wang Weichu always couldn't get along with either one.

"It's not that they are bad, but because they are too good. That's why I felt that if I couldn't like them wholeheartedly, I shouldn't agree to try dating." Wang Weichu said.

Brother Wang was angry and anxious, and asked him what kind of girlfriend he wanted.

Wang Weichu was very at a loss, and finally hesitantly said: "... Really love... soul mate."

For the word "soul mate", Wang Weichu really stopped falling in love. Don't talk about girlfriends, not even boyfriends.

Year after year, Brother Wang passed away three years ago and divided half of the estate to Wang Weichu.

Wang Weichu's life was still relatively rich, but now he is more affluent. Every day, he asks the nurse to take him out, as if he is still young, walk wherever he can, and play wherever he can.


Most of them were imagined by Cen Yao. If Wang Weichu hadn't met him, hadn't saved him, and hadn't changed his fate, what kind of life would he have lived?

He will have a fairly prosperous life because he has received a good education since childhood, so when he grows up, he will be like a young master, with good temperament, good temper, and personable demeanor, and can win the favor of many people.

He will live this life safely and smoothly, and he will not have too many troubles in this life.

So Cen Yao will also have a moment who can't help but think.

Was it a mistake for Wang Weichu to meet him?

Until this moment... Cen Yao can think selfishly and firmly, no, Wang Weichu should meet him, and he should meet Wang Weichu too.

Only he can be the soul mate who truly loves Wang Weichu.

Whether he lives or dies, he will keep Wang Weichu's name deep in his heart.

Cen Yao lowered his eyes, looked at Wang Weichu who was resting on the bed, and then bowed to kiss Wang Weichu's cheek.

Wang Weichu only felt like a breeze was blowing, and he opened his eyes unconsciously.

At this moment, the woman pushed the door and came in and said, "Shall we go to the flower market in the afternoon?"

If only women could see the soul.

Then she will probably see a tall and handsome young man, leaning down, his face is obviously cold, but he seems to be pouring infinite affection, and gently kisses the thin old man's cheek.

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