Chapter 42

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I walked through the halls passing through small corners and people. I slid my hands through the concrete and metal walls while making my way to the training room. I was breathing slightly heavily but every breath was quick.

There were only two words appearing in my head and that was his name. Dream, Clay, Dream, Clay. Those words kept repeating in my head. Every time I see him ever since Fundy had arrived since he tried kidnapping Dream. There was something heavy in my heart that I couldn't describe.

Of course, I would need to know what was causing that. I stumbled against the wall inside the training room and closed my eyes carefully. I wonder why was he looking at me like that. The way where his eyes were soft, filled with worry, and everything not related to deep hate.

Why, when, how, and where. Every question possible was popping in my head yet I couldn't even answer them even if it was a simple yes and no. I feel like someone had manipulated him. Have the bullets made him act so unusual? No, that wasn't possible. Or maybe it was.

I'm overthinking again. He was only doing this for the sake of us being agents. Just like the reason I saved him. So I wouldn't be alone when it came to missions. He's only doing this so Techno wouldn't get our Abysses so easily. That had to be the reason.

"George" I heard his voice. Fuck, why was he here? Did he follow me? No, I made sure that no one was following me. I was carefully looking around me. Maybe he used his own type of Teleportation.

I sigh running my hands through my hair and backed away glaring at him while I was against the wall. "Dream," I say sternly staring at him in the eyes, "Why... are you doing this? I'm fine now can't you see? That's what you wanted for the sake of our missions!" I blurted staring at him breathing heavily.

He nodded, "Exactly. I wanted to keep you safe for the sake of our missions," he said lowly but there was a hint of a soft emotion in his voice and body movements.

I shake my head, "But I'm good now and I'm perfectly fine! The reason why I'm here in this damn training room was to be good enough to be your damn teammate as an agent! That's what you wanted right?" I tell him, "What you wanted was to have a compatible teammate that's why you fucking cared!" I shouted at him.

He flinched staring at me as if he was in this disbelief, "All this time that was what you believed" he said but I cut him off again.

"Stop pitying me, Clay!" I shot his eyes open when I used his real name but he suddenly turned serious.

He slammed his hand against the wall beside me while I look up at him. He was covered in sweat. On his hair like he had just taken a shower, clothes, and on his neck. I stared at him with my cheeks getting heavy while he glared at me breathlessly.

"You really think the reason why I cared so much was that you're an agent?!" He screamed while I widen my eyes about to yell at him but he cuts me off, "Yell at me I dare you" he said, "If you think you can yell at me I can yell so much louder George" He muttered harshly as I stared at him in the eyes.

I look away while my feet were trembling from crouching down against the wall slightly. He sighs running his hands through his hair sneering as he gazed at me, "I never gave a fuck about the missions George. The only thing I ever gave a fuck about was the person I'm with!"

I shake my head, "That's not what you said earlier" I hiss.

"That was an excuse!" He yelled at me while I flinch at the harsh tone. He realized how I reacted and calmed down a little, "For fucks sake George..." he mumbled, "Have you still not realized how much I cared for you? Not just because you're someone that I need as an agent... But also because you're someone that I need as a human!"

My eyes shot open while I glare into his soul. In his eyes. As a human? I wonder what that meant. "What" I mumble trailing off looking down while I press my hands together, "I don't understand you. You're impossible" I mumble under my breath.

He widened his eyes glaring at me. He sighed softly lifting my chin while I glare at him with my eyes getting teary, "Do you want to understand?" He mumbled but I shake my head.

"What.. have you been feeling since these past few months" I breathe staring at him in the eyes. "What have I been feeling for you" I mumble that was supposed to be for me only but it already seemed like he heard me.

He stares at me while I do too. We lock eyes and I suddenly started to feel something heavy in my stomach like it was doing flips. I exhale from my mouth and saw him leaning into my lips. Oh God Oh God, I wanted to stop him but I couldn't. The only thing I could do was to be dumbfounded as he leans in.

He didn't realize that this was going to be my first kiss. Plus, I was a virgin. I realize what I was thinking and close my eyes waiting for his lips to touch mine. Suddenly, warm pair of lips touch mine softly. I didn't know what to do and but I relaxed my eyes melting into the kiss.

I couldn't understand what was going on and my mind was filled with thoughts. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me more against his chest while I wasn't moving.

He pulls back and I open my eyes a little dumbfounded. "I was expecting a french kiss" I mumble under my breath glaring down at my feet smiling a little. I heard him chuckle as he pulls me back from his lips with both of us now moving in sync.

I slide down against the wall and wrap my arms around his neck with him bending down in front of me. I gasp pulling away, "W- wait" I gasped panicking a little but he pulls me again to his lips with him creating the same rhythm as mine.

He pulls away and I press the back of my head on the wall staring at him. "George," he says and I hum glancing at his emerald green eyes. He leans against the wall beside me and I press my head against his shoulder closing my eyes, "I'm sorry" he said.

I widen my eyes and stare up at him, "For what?"

"For everything. How I treated you at first. I still couldn't get over that over these past few years and that day when we got teamed up when it came to camping" he mumbled staring at me, "I already fell for you" He said as I flinched quickly glaring at him.

"That long?" I muttered shocked while he nods. I sigh pressing my hands on his chest while I press my head on my palms, "I think I love you" I whispered staring up at him and seeing him smile pressing his lips against my forehead.

"Don't worry" he says, "I do too"

Author's note:

Heh took them long enough. But this story ain't ending yet.

I suck at writing romantic moments. LOL

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