Not an Update

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So, I am sitting in my new room! I don't have the bed frame put together because we don't want it to fall apart when we put the mattress on it and potentially destroy it, so, we are waiting until my older brother and my oldest sister in-law to come over tomorrow to build it. I am spending tonight in here to see how sharing a wall with my older brother is going to be like. Also, his annoying dog Brooke peed in my room, and I had to clean that. "It's not my job. You left your door open. You were supposed to let her out." Why in heaven's name am I taking care of this creature? I cleaned it up and have locked my door, with me inside in the room eating coconut cookies to heal my mind. I am going to bed soon because my nephews are coming and since they know their parents are here and they have been told a thousand times that they don't have to listen to me, they are unholy nightmares. I will try to update tomorrow, if posable, I have to move more of my shit up upstairs and we have garage sale stuff to bring to my oldest sister's house. I am getting some stuff for my job tomorrow and need to be clear headed and well rested (I can't live off coffee. My mom wasn't happy when I drank a whole pot of coffee today and talked a mile a minute while helping her bag things for the garage sale and antique store.) I can't be half-dead all day. Writing soon! Love everyone who has stayed with this story and not run off due to it being weird. Bye! <3

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