35. Words Unsaid

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About a week later...

A lot more happened over the past week for the boys than it had in the past three months. Hell, it seemed that a lot more happened over twelve hours than it had in all their lives. It wasn't something they wished to discuss but frankly, they all felt a sense of relief knowing they were safe.

Not once had Jeremy known someone who got kidnapped, nor has he seen someone get killed right before his very eyes. It was a ghastly night and full of what nightmares were made of. Luckily for Jeremy, he hadn't had any nightmares yet but he did flashbacks from time to time. Still, it was more than enough to make Jeremy wonder whether coming to Angel Falls was a wise decision after all.

Just as the thought came to mind, Shane walked out of the bathroom in a robe, drying his hair. Jeremy smiled as he watched him get dressed for bed. He realized now that f he hadn't come to Angel Falls, he never would have met Shane, and frankly, fuck all the challenges that came with it. Shane was the best thing to have ever happened to him.

"What are you thinking about?" Shane asked as he joined Jeremy in bed. He pulled up the covers and placed them over both of them as he snuggled up to the silver-haired boy.

Jeremy ran a hand through his hair and pursed his lips. "After school, when I go back to LA, will you come with me?" He asked out loud. The question had been on his mind for quite a while, even on the tip of his tongue but it just wasn't the right time to say it.

"When you go back?" Shane frowned. "You're leaving?"

"Not now... after our finals next year," Jeremy explained. "I mean, I do have a life there, and a job."

"I see." Shane's lips drew into a thin line. What was he to make of this? Jeremy was leaving. Somehow, Shane always knew that day would come but he didn't think it would happen so soon. And what was to happen afterward? He was not even aware of where he was going to end up after graduation, nor had he given it much thought. He didn't even know what he wanted to do with the rest of his life yet. Did Jeremy just expect him to uproot his life and all he's ever known? And if he didn't give him an answer, was Jeremy really going to leave?

Leave Angel Falls and leave him behind? Was this it then? Once everything was over, will they be over as well? Frankly, Shane didn't know what he wanted. He had never left the state before, not been to a bigger city than Denver. It was such a scary thought to leave home and he really did not want to think about that now. Shane looked up at Jeremy, into those stormy grey eyes he had come to know so well.

"You don't have to give me an answer now," Jeremy whispered after a while when Shane didn't respond. Although they hadn't mentioned it, Jeremy always thought it was clear he'd go back to LA after graduation. Except that now he wanted Shane with him when he did.

Shane stared into Jeremy's eyes for a few seconds before leaning up and kissing him on the lips. It was meant to be a short one, a small kiss to say goodnight but when Jeremy's hands found the back of his head, Shane found himself sitting up slowly to straddle him, their kiss getting more intense as he did so. Without giving him an answer, Shane knew that there would come a time when the boy would leave him. The thought of that alone was enough to bring tears to his eyes. Being unable to see him, touch him, even be near him, especially after all they'd been through was unbearable to think about. Hell, he was close to tears and all Jeremy had done was tell him that he'd be living in Los Angeles after graduation.

But Shane did have a right to feel that way. In all his life, he had never felt so safe with someone as he did with Jeremy. He didn't want to lose Jeremy so soon, didn't want to be left behind by him... he wasn't ready to. Not at all and he needed to prove that to Jeremy. Even if he couldn't give him an answer now, he needed the boy to know that he was never going to stop loving him.

Before his thoughts got the better of him, Shane cupped Jeremy's face and deepened their kiss, pouring all his unsaid words into the motion of their lips. He moaned, groaned, and almost cried at just how much happiness he felt at being able to do this with Jeremy. And the response from the boy was just as intense.

Somehow, they both knew what they wanted at that moment. To be with each other in ways they had shared before, but knowing that this moment was far greater than the previous ones. This was how they knew that they were safe with each other, this was how they knew that they were the only ones for each other. They brought each other peace, serenity, and happiness. But they also drove each other wild with every touch, every graze of skin against skin, and with every kiss that felt like a fire burning underneath their flesh, begging to go wild.

And when they pulled away, breathless and needy, Shane looked into Jeremy's eyes with only one question left to be asked.

Let me make love to you.

He didn't need to say it out loud. He didn't need to voice it because when Jeremy nodded, Shane knew that the boy whose gray eyes had turned dark as if with thunderstorms raging behind them had understood him perfectly.

Without wasting time, Shane's shaky hands unbuttoned Jeremy's shirt, throwing it off as fast as possible with Jeremy's help. He spread gentle kisses over the boy's chest, tracing his lips further down until he reached his waist. Shane hooked his fingers underneath Jeremy's boxers and pulled them down until those were off too, leaving Jeremy in his naked glory. He had seen him this way many times, but it got better every damn time.

Shane smiled as he glanced up at Jeremy, both of them flushed beyond belief but still needy and wanting. He kissed the boy's exposed knees, opened his legs wide, and placed soft kisses on his inner thighs as well. He moved up and up with each kiss until he reached one of his favorite places where Jeremy's hard member was waiting, hot and wet. Before long, Shane had him in his mouth, moaning around the boy as the taste of Jeremy engulfed his senses. He loved doing this, loving tasting him, loved the feeling of him inside his mouth, and tonight, Shane couldn't wait to be inside him.

He bobbed his head and pumped his hands, sucking and licking, and making Jeremy moan loudly with such intense pleasure as if he was sucking the very life essence out of him. And Shane loved every bit of it. Hearing Jeremy's loud sounds were enough reward. And when he was sure that Jeremy was close to his peak, he pulled away, the boy's dick falling from his wet lips with a loud 'bop'.

"Wha... Shane..." Jeremy groaned, at a loss for words His eyes were full of confusion as he opened them to meet Shane's.

"Not just yet, baby," Shane whispered. He kneeled before the naked boy and took off his clothes so that he too was just as naked as his boyfriend. "I want you to cum when I'm inside you," he said, goosebumps graced his skin as a feeling of déjà vu overcame him. Jeremy smiled. Of course, he thought. He remembered that he had used those exact words during their first time. He nodded and rolled over to pull out his drawer, taking a bottle of lube and some condoms from it. He handed them to Shane who smirked at him as he pumped his own hardening member.

And just like how Jeremy had done to him before, Shane prepared him to the best of his ability, making sure that he wouldn't hurt him. With Jeremy wet and ready for him, Shane pulled the gray-eyed boy's legs apart and pressed himself against Jeremy's entrance, looking up into his eyes as he finally entered him.

Saying that it was the greatest feeling ever would be an understatement for how Shane felt exactly. He was here, connected to the love of his life in the literal sense of the word and overcome with great pleasure that he himself couldn't find words to describe. He couldn't dream of doing this with any other person but Jeremy. He thrust into him with much vigor, staring into his eyes as he did so, and making sure to press against that sweet spot that got Jeremy's toes curling every time.

Jeremy's back arched, and he pushed himself against Shane, wanting to feel every bit of him. He clenched around him. It had been so long since he had someone in there and Shane was the only person, he could dream of doing this with. As Shane pumped into him, Jeremy couldn't help but stare back at those soulful brown eyes, realizing that he couldn't live without this person. He couldn't look away, lest he lost sight of the one person who gave him a sense of safety and serenity.

He went to touch himself when Shane's movements became irregular, but Shane stopped him. The boy wrapped his hand around Jeremy's cock, his other hand holding the gray-eyed boy's legs up, moving up and down in fast but gentle movements that only enhanced the fires burning within him. Jeremy's hands found Shane's neck then and pulled him down, pressing his lips against his in a deep and fervent kiss as they both neared their climax, groaning and moaning into each other's mouths until they let go.

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