14. Together

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"Are you ready to go home?" Jeremy asked when both boys had finished eating. Shane nodded even though he was unsure if he actually wanted to leave Jeremy's side.

"Yeah," he said as he took out his wallet to pay but Jeremy stopped him with a shake of his head, making Shane sigh. "This isn't gonna be a regular occurrence, is it?" He didn't like the thought of Jeremy paying for everything for him. It was a nice gesture but Shane didn't want to be on the receiving end all the time.

Jeremy didn't care though as he only wanted to spoil Shane as much as he could. If he could buy Shane anything he wanted in the world, he would do it in a heartbeat. It was one of the things that Jeremy both loved and hated about himself. When he loved someone, he loved hard, without selfishness, without doubt, and with all of him.

"Eh, who knows," the tall boy shrugged with a laugh, making Shane roll his eyes and the two boys left the diner after saying their goodbyes to Karla.

"I don't feel like being alone, to be frank," Shane said when they sat in Jeremy's car.

"Me neither," admitted Jeremy. He wanted to spend as much time as he could with Shane now that Meghan wasn't around, he didn't care what they did. They could just lie in bed all day without talking, just looking at each other and he would be perfectly okay with that.

Shane blushed at the thought of Jeremy wanting to spend more time with him and smiled shyly as he thought of what they could do together. "Let's go to my place," he said. His parents were at work as far as he knew and he thought it would be nice to show Jeremy his room. It wasn't much, but it was what he had and he wanted to share that with the person who was stealing his heart, piece by piece.

Jeremy nodded, obviously having no problem with it. In fact, he had been waiting for this invite for a while if he had to admit, and so Shane suggesting it made him happy. Shane buckled his seatbelt and relaxed as Jeremy started the short drive to the former's house.

Shane watched the boy closely as he gave him the address, noticing how Jeremy squinted his eyes when he was paying rapt attention to someone. He watched him run his hand through his blonde hair, ruffling it so it became perfectly messy. Somehow, the simplest actions that Jeremy did made Shane want to cup his face and kiss him. But he had to wait till they got to the privacy of his bedroom.

He didn't have to wait long because in about ten minutes, they had reached the park that was only a three-minute walk away from Shane's house.

"Stop here," he said to Jeremy. "I'm not sure if my dad is away so just in case," he explained.

Jeremy nodded and parked his car, understanding that Shane wouldn't want his parents asking too many questions if they were home. He knew it wasn't every day that a parent would see their son get out of another boy's Porsche.

Shane was aware of how inquisitive his parents were, and they were more observant over him now that Taylor had left home. They wanted to make sure he didn't fall into the same bad habits Taylor had, and were still extremely upset over what she had done so anything out of line from him and there'd be hell to pay. He planned on being as discreet as possibly could.

Unfortunately for him, his father's car was parked in the driveway of the house when they got there. "Shit," Shane cursed. "I really didn't think he'd be home."

"It's not a big deal though, right?" Asked Jeremy with a frown as he wondered why Shane would be so worried about him meeting his father.

"Yeah... not really," Shane answered but the worry didn't leave his eyes. "I just don't want him to ask too many questions," the boy explained as he looked around, searching for a way to get Jeremy into the house and up to his room without his father noticing.

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