Chapter 13: The Journey Home

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On the morning of our last day at Hogwarts, I woke up pretty early. I hurried down to the great hall for breakfast. Cedric was already up and talking with his group of Hufflepuff friends. Dawn and Naomi were chatting with George, and Fred was nowhere to be seen. I quickly ate some toast and then headed out to the courtyard to chat with Dawn and Naomi. I find them in the courtyard talking with George.

"Hey, what's up?" I ask joining their conversation

"Just talking about the tournament and stuff," George says

"Yeah about Fred and Dawn," mutters Naomi. Dawn elbows her in the ribs. I didn't tell them that he asked me out. I'm planning on telling her on the train.

"Oh it's-" she looks at something behind me and smiles.

"What?" I start to turn around.

"Nothing, we were talking about what happened while you were gone. Do you want us to fill you in?" Dawn says fast before I can look.

"Erm sure. What happened to harr-" I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and lift me into the air onto someone's shoulders. I squeal at their touch and start laughing. This could only be one person. I look down and see curly taffy locks. Just as I thought it was Cedric.

"Hey darling" he said looking up at me.

"Hi Ced" I say before leaning down and kissing the top of his head playfully. I run my fingers through his hair, messing it up a little. This wasn't the first time Cedric has done this to me. Sometimes he would randomly leave me on his shoulders. It made me feel tall since he was over six feet tall. He cranes his neck and looks back up at me. I lean down and kiss his soft lips slowly. I sat back up and looked at all my friends who were still talking about the most random things.

"Okay, put me down now" I say in a playful tone

"Alright alright I'll put you down" he lifts me off his shoulders and places me back on the ground. He wraps his arms around me from behind me as we continue the conversation.

"Students we are leaving in an hour" we hear McGonagall say from the front of the courtyard. After half an hour of talking we headed up to our dorms to pack our last minute things. In my small bag I had my jumper, my book, wand, and some food. I ran up to the owlery and found Whinnie. I put her in her cage then went back to my dorm with her.

I grabbed my trunk and Naomi, Dawn and I headed out for the courtyard. Everyone was loading their trunks into the carriages. We loaded our stuff in and climbed in one too. We got to the Hogsmeade station and got on the train. Cedric joined Dawn, Naomi, and I again in our compartment. I sat on one side with Cedric and Dawn and Naomi sat across from us. I lay down on my back on the seat, my head resting in Cedric's lap. He was stroking my hair and we were talking. Mainly about our summer plans.

The trolley witch came by and we bought some food. We still have four hours left on this. I reach for my book and open it to the third chapter where I left off. I start reading, still laying with my head on Cedric's legs. After a few minutes George came and joined us, Fred is sitting with Angelina apparently. I sit up so he has room to sit. Cedric's hand slips onto my thigh, tracing small circles onto it unconsciously. 

After what felt like an eternity we were back at platform nine and three quarters. I hopped off the train, Cedric by my side. I started to feel really claustrophobic. I hate being around many people and there were about a thousand people here. I felt my heart rate increase and my breathing get shorter. 

Without needing to look down Cedric found my hand and our fingers intertwined together. He understands how anxious I get around many people. At Hogwarts it's not that bad since they are kids and not all in the same room trying to push past each other. 

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