Chapter 8: Christmas

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Eliana's POV:

The next morning was Christmas. After all of the pain that had happened before bed I slept quite peacefully. I woke up to Cedric shaking me awake and whispering to me

"Ellie, wake up darling, it's Christmas" When my eyes open He picks me up bridal style and carries me downstairs and outside to the courtyard. I was wrapped in my blanket and I was still cold. It was still dark outside and I knew it was early. I was assuming around four or five in the morning.

"Look darling it's snowing" Cedric says as he puts me down and sprinkles snowflakes on my hair. I stood there wrapped in my blanket with a hand out catching a few snowflakes and watching them melt.

"Merry Christmas m'love" he says, wrapping his arms around me from behind me and kissing the top of my head.

"Merry Christmas Ced" I say, hugging him trying to keep from shivering. We stay outside watching the snowfall for a while before he leaves.

"I'll be right back, Ellie, I have a surprise" he says kissing my cheek then leaving. I sit for a minute or two before I feel him wrap his arms around me with a cup of cocoa in front of me. I take the cup and sip it slowly. I slowly sip the warm chocolate mixture. I turn around to face him. He wipes off a dab of whip cream that was on my nose. He pulls me into a kiss holding me close in the cold.

We stand watching the snowfall while sipping our cocoa for what seems like hours.

We go back to the common room laughing and it's five thirty in the morning. We sit together on the couch while I talk about what my family would do for Christmas while he plays with my hair. He talks about what he would do too. I have my head resting on his chest and his arms are around me.

"My uncle and I would celebrate. My uncle Remus. We would decorate the house with loads of decorations. We don't take Christmas lightly." i say with a laugh. "We always spent Christmas Eve and day alone. We would spend Christmas Eve making all the food for the next day. If either of those days happened to be a full moon, I spent them alone or after I started going to Hogwarts I would go to the Weasley's. He would try to spoil me with gifts but money was tight and I was okay with that. I didn't get many presents until I came to Hogwarts. Dawn, Naomi, Ginny, Hermione, Fred, and George normally give me gifts since we are close friends." I say

"I'm sorry you didn't get to celebrate before because of your father and uncle but at least you get to celebrate at Hogwarts... my father and I would go to my grandparents house and we would exchange gifts and drink hot chocolate until late" he pauses again and then his eyes light up "which reminds me" he sits up and pulls out a small box from his coat pocket "Merry Christmas Ellie" he says handing me the box that was delicately wrapped with a bow.

"Aww thanks Ced you didn't have to get me anything" I say as I take the small box.

"I wanted to get you one... open it princess you don't have to wait" he says kissing the top of my head again. I carefully unwrap it and it's a beautiful heart shaped gold locket that has glittering details all over it. I open the locket and inside there is a picture of Cedric.

"So you can always have me with you" he says smiling at me

"Thank you Cedric. I love it, can you help me put it on?" I say as I turn around so he can put it on for me. "I got something for you too" I run back to my dorm and grab the box that I had carefully wrapped the day before. "Here, open it!" I say excitedly, handing it to him. It's a silver bracelet that has a half a heart on it and says Cedric. He seems a little confused so I pull up my sleeve to reveal a gold bracelet that has the other half of the heart and says Ellie on it.

"They connect together" I say while putting our wrists together. "When we're apart they are just half a heart when we are together it's a full heart."

"I love it darling thank you so much" he says before pulling me into a kiss.

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