Chapter 6: The Yule Ball

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It had been a few days since the cruciatus curse incident and I was feeling much better. The days I was in the hospital were rough but Cedric was there with me the whole time. And whenever I felt the pain he would always stroke my hair and say I was safe until I was better. I needed to go get a dress for the Yule ball since it's tomorrow.

"Dawn, Naomi! Wake up!" I said as I jostled them both awake

"Ughh its like 8 am what do you want at this time" Said Naomi still half asleep

"Ahhhhhhhhhhh" Dawn had grabbed a pillow and was screaming into it

"Tomorrow is the Yule Ball. We have to get our dresses!" I say trying to wake them up by turning on the lights.

We finally made our way down to Hogsmeade. It was beautifully covered in white powder snow that made each shop look like a gingerbread house. We make our way to Gladrags Wizzardwear. There are so many beautiful dresses.

"Ooh look at this one!" I hear Naomi as she runs to a beautiful red dress. The satin fabric goes just to her knees and there is a layer of flower lace that goes over and trails to below her knees barely.

"That one is beautiful Naomi, you have to buy it!" I said as I examined the fabric and price. Now me and Dawn have to find dresses. In the corner of the shop I see a beautiful yellow chiffon dress. It went down to the floor just grazing over it. The top was off the shoulder and was covered in light yellow shimmering lace. The lace is also on the skirt but stopped at knee length. It was so pretty I had to get it to wear to the ball.

"Eliana, that would look amazing on you! You must buy it for the yule ball." I hear Dawn say as she comes up behind me.

"It's not that expensive, only around sixty-eight galleons, I guess I could buy it and have enough left for shoes." I said as I searched for the price tag. I saw Dawn looking at an emerald green dress. It was around knee length and had black lace over the top and a black belt that went around the waist band of the dress.

"Oh Dawn you should get that it would look lovely" I said heading towards the checkout area.

"Okay I guess I could get it," Dawn said as she took the dress off the hook. We checked out our clothes and went to get shoes. I found a pair that were white heels with simple gold designs on the toes. Naomi got a pair of red heels and Dawn got a pair of green flats. We headed back to the castle but we ran into Cedric on the way back.

"Hey darling!" he said, hugging me. "Where were you? I checked your dorm but you weren't there" He said while walking with us

"Oh I went to Hogsmeade to buy my dress for the yule ball" I reply with a smile, looking up at him.

"Oh can I see it?" he asks looking down at my bag

"Not until tomorrow Ced" I say as I slip my hand into his.

"You two are so cute together!" Naomi said

Cedric and I both blushed but acted like it was no big deal. I walked with my head leaned up against his arm. We made our way back to the castle.

Once we got to the Gryffindor common room I turn to Cedric and say "I better go try these on to make sure they fit for tomorrow"

"Okay, do you want to go outside and practice dancing after?" He asks.

"Yeah sure I'll be there in 30 minutes," I say. He kissed me one last time and then I went into the common room. We all tried on our dresses to see how they fit and looked. My dress fits perfectly and I love it. After changing back to my normal clothes I then went outside to find Cedric.

"Hey Ellie!" he says, running up and hugging me. "Before we practice do you want to go for a walk?" he asks

"That would be nice" I say

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