Chapter 9: The Opposite of Love

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It was the beginning of May which meant a few things. The third task was getting closer and my birthday was right around the corner. It was in less than five days and I can't wait. I would finally have the trace off of me and I could take the apparition test. Cedric took his around Christmas time and has been able to aparate off the school grounds since but he hasn't gotten a chance to since you can't aparate on school grounds.

It was a cold spring night and I was in my dorm room with Cedric. It was pretty late in the night and we were studying together. Dawn and Naomi were in the library studying but the library was really crowded tonight so Cedric and I stayed in my dorm. We are both a little claustrophobic so we decided it would be best for both of us. I was going through my potions notes and classwork and I felt myself getting really tired. I looked up from my book and at Cedric who was sitting in the chair across from me with his nose in a book.

"Cedric?" I say

"Yes love" he says lifting his eyes from the book

"I'm getting tired can we cuddle for a while" I ask

A smile spreads across Cedric's face and Without saying anything he stands up and comes over to me. He slips the book out of my hands and puts it on my desk. I lay down on my bed and Cedric lays down next to me. I was wearing my favorite one of the jumpers he gave me. I curl up in his arms and he nuzzles his face into the crook of my neck. I start to relax and I close my eyes. We lay there for a while cuddling. I feel Cedric raise his head to my ear level. I open my eyes confused on what he is doing. He starts singing in a soft whisper.

"I love you. A bushel and a peck" I smile softly and close my eyes, just listening to his voice "A bushel and a peck, And a hug around the neck" his voice was deep in a whisper. I can feel his warm breath on my ear as he sings. I get a warm feeling inside me. I start singing along with him "A hug around the neck And a barrel and a heap, A barrel and heap And I'm talking in my sleep. About you" He softly kisses my forehead after the song.

"My mom used to sing me that song. . . before she died" I say quietly

"we both love you" says Cedric

I sit up and turn around to face Cedric. I smile softly at him. He cups my face with his hands and pulls me into a kiss. He pulls me closer to him as he kisses me. I place one hand on the back of his neck and her other hand on the side of his head and I run my fingers through his soft hair as he kisses me. After a minute he pulls away but leaves his forehead pressed against mine. I move both my hands to the back of his neck.

"I love you Ellie" he says before Cupping my face in his hands pulling me in for another kiss.

"I love you too" I say after we pull apart.

I glance at the clock and see that it's past midnight. Cedric realizes too. He gets up and starts to pack up his things.

"I should probably head back to my dorm it's late and we have class tomorrow" he says


"I'll see you tomorrow beautiful" he kisses my forehead

"Love you" I say before he leaves

"Love you too"

I went to bed that night thinking about Cedric. Everything in our relationship was going perfect. I love him and he loves me. What could go wrong?

The morning of May eighth, my birthday, I woke up bright and early. It was a Saturday and we had no classes which were perfect. I stepped out of bed and got ready for the day. After I left my dorm. Outside my dorm door was a small note. I opened it and it read

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