Chapter 3: Amortentia

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The days after the champion selection were not close to normal. Everybody was glad Cedric was chosen. On the other hand, people were not happy about Harry being chosen. He was only fourteen. Harry got glares and all kinds of dirty looks from people.

"Ellie I'm telling you I did not put my name in," Harry says back in the Gryffindor common room

"Well then how did you get chosen?" I ask

"That's the thing. . . I don't know how my name got in the goblet" he says slowly. Ron was glaring at Harry coldly from the other side of the room.

"Okay well just keep a look out for anyone who seems to be acting strange" I say. Hermione came over and joined Harry and I in our discussion. She was holding a stack of toast on her napkin.

"Hello" she says "I brought you this, want to go for a walk"

"Good idea" Harry says gratefully taking a piece of toast

"Want to come Ellie?" Hermione asks

"Got nothing else to do" I say as I take a piece of toast and head out the portrait hole with them.

"Well of course I knew you hadn't put your name in yourself. You could tell by your face when Dumbledore said your name! But who did put it in?" Hermione said after a minute or two "Moody is right no student could have fooled the goblet or get over Dumbledo-"

"Have you seen Ron" Harry interrupts

"Er yes at breakfast" Hermione says. I tuned out their conversation. Not on purpose my mind wandered. I was worried about Cedric being in the tournament, I can't imagine how Hermione feels right now. Harry is three years younger than Cedric. "Can't you see? He is jealous" I hear Hermione say.

"I'm going to head back, maybe find Cedric" I say before leaving

I head back to the castle to find Dawn and Naomi. I was thinking I could head down to talk with Hagrid. I wanted to see if Dawn and Naomi wanted to come first. They are probably in the library so that's where I look first. Sure enough they are there invested in researching for S.P.E.W. I clear my throat to get their attention.

"I'm going down to see Hagrid. want to come?" I ask after I have their attention

"I'll come" Naomi says

"Same" they pack up their things and we head out the library doors.

We left the castle and started for Hagrid's small hut that sat at the bottom of the school grounds near the forbidden forest. We walked down in the cold fall air, talking and laughing on the way. We arrived at Hagrid's hut that was surrounded by pumpkins. Dawn raised a hand and knocked on the big wooden door. Fang Hagrid's dog started barking loudly. Hagrid opened the door after a moment.

"Whatr' yer doin' down' here' at this time?" Hagrid says welcoming us inside

"Just want to talk" I say stepping inside

"How are the skrewts?" Naomi asks

"What are skrewts?" I had never heard of them before.

"They are blast ended skrewts. There quite fascinating creatures. I saw them a few days ago when I came down here with Harry, Ron, and Hermione" Says Naomi

"Their' little now but their' get ter be long creatures'" Hagrid adds "wan ter see em"

"Erm no thanks maybe later" Dawn says "we should be heading back anyways"

"Yeah thanks Hagrid we'll be back up soon" I say. We exit through the wooden door. "I'm bored today there isn't anything to do"

"We could research S. P. E. W." Naomi says

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