Chapter 8: The Second Task

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A/N: Hello lovelies! I just wanted to apologize in advance for the length of this chapter.  Brace yourself because it's a long one at around 45 minutes but I promise it is worth it. A lot of important stuff happens in this chapter so please keep reading if you can! I was going to shorten it but I completely forgot. Anyways I hope you like it so far!

I've been helping Cedric with the upcoming second task. He doesn't have any way to breathe for an hour. We decide on the bubblehead charm which wraps a bubble around your head so you can breathe. Cedric and I have been going down to the lake to work on it.

"Hey Darling," Cedric says as he sees me coming down to the lake

"Hi Ced," I say, greeting him with a hug, "ready to work on the charm?" I ask

"Yeah I've practiced it a few times since our last time but it hasn't worked," he says

"Okay we'll try again maybe you'll get it this time," I say setting my books down

"Okay," he says pulling out his wand. "Sanuspirantes" he says while waving the wand in a circle in the air a few times. Slowly a clear thin bubble starts to form around his head.

"Ced you did it! You got the charm to work!" I say as I throw myself onto him for a hug. He undoes the charm and then does it a few more times. "I think you are ready for the task!" I exclaimed.

"Yep we should head back to the common rooms" Cedric insists while packing up his stuff

"Yeah probably" I agreed. I pack up my stuff then take Cedric's hand and we walk back.

"why don't you come eat with me tomorrow morning so we can talk more about the task?" he suggests

"Sure I'll tell Dawn and Naomi I won't be at my usual spot then" I reply

"Oh it's okay I can come sit at your table" he says, squeezing my hand.

We got back to the castle where we saw Harry in the courtyard. He is walking with Cho around the grounds, kind of like a date but I heard it's awkward.

"How did the bubble charm lesson go?" he asks

"Good Cedric got it to work and we're ready" I say while looking at Cedric and smiling.

"Spectacular." Harry says

"Cedric and I better get going I'll talk to you later Harry" I say while walking

We walk inside and up the stairs to Gryffindor Tower.

"I'll see you tomorrow for the second task" Cedric says once we get to the portrait

"Yeah I'll see you then" I say before kissing him goodbye

"Love you darling" Cedric adds as I walk through the portrait

"Love you too Ced" I reply before closing the portrait

I walk in and head up to my dorm to finish up some homework that I didn't finish. I sit down and get out the homework when not even five minutes later Dawn comes barging in.

"Ellie!" she says excitedly

"What?" I ask

"Fred just asked me to be his valentine!" she says

"That's great!" Valentine's day is tomorrow and Cedric still hasn't asked me to be his.

We both get ready for bed. Naomi came in right when we were about to go to bed. She seemed excited. I'm assuming George asked her to be his Valentine.

"Guess what!" she said

"What?!" I ask trying to be enthusiastic

"George asked me to be his valentine!" she says. I called it. think to myself. "Has Cedric asked you yet?"

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