Chapter 1: The Quidditch World Cup

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Ellie's POV

I woke up the morning of the Quidditch World Cup. I was bubbling with excitement. I had only two things on my mind, what Mrs. Weasley was making for breakfast (she is the queen of the kitchen), and seeing Cedric Diggory again after months. I climbed out of my bed and walked to the window at the very top of the Burrow looking over the yard, before I quickly got ready to leave for the match. Hermione, Ginny, Dawn, Naomi, and I were in the same room, but looking around only half of us were actually awake. Those of us who were up left to get the boys.

"Wake up!" Hermione and I yell at Harry and Ron. I mostly focus on Harry. He is practically my little brother. Besides, Ron was already in one of his worst nightmares with Hermione yelling at him. She continues yelling at both of them and I decide to leave and wake up Dawn and Naomi which is an impossible task on its own.

"Dawn, Naomi! Wake up!" I say turning on all the lights

"Ughhhhh why" Naomi says hiding under her blanket while Dawn buries her face deeper into her pillow.

"Because Mrs. Weasley has breakfast ready!" I say pulling the blanket off Naomi, Dawn had decided not to fight this battle and was already up and brushing her hair out. We all got dressed and headed downstairs to eat. Fred and George were already there. Typical, I thought glaring at them, they wouldn't wait for us. Fred stuck his tongue out at me playfully and I feel myself go scarlet like I do when I'm embarrassed or angry.

"Well well look who finally got up to eat" he says to us as we come downstairs

"Hey I woke up thirty minutes ago" I say sitting down and pouring myself orange juice "its them that didn't want to get up" I was thrusting a finger at Dawn and Naomi

"What? I like my sleep" Naomi says sitting down across from me

Harry and Ron stumble down the stairs thirty minutes after Dawn, Naomi, and I. They get plates but don't have time to eat anything due to Mrs. Weasley yelling at us

"Out out out!" She waved us out the door. "You'll be late!"

We laugh at Ron's dismayed face as we walk towards the exit of the Burrow. Today we are going to the Quidditch World Cup! We are meeting Cedric there and I'm really excited since I haven't seen him all summer. We hike up to a beautiful green forest where we see Amos Diggory standing next to a large oak tree. Cedric jumps out of the tree as we approach and walks over to join us. He can be so dramatic sometimes I think exasperatedly.

"Hey shortie" he says as I run up to him.

"Show off" I say as I run up to him and slug his shoulder.

"Ah now you're finally catching on." He says with a playful smile. I really like that tone of voice he uses when he is being made fun of. Like he hasn't got a care in the world.

We start walking through the forest until we see an old boot on top of a hill. Everything around and on the hill is deserted save that boot.

"What's that?" I ask Cedric as everyone gathers around it placing a hand on it

"It's a portkey" he responds, leading me to the spot, guiding my hand to the boot holding it for just an extra second. Then he drops it like it's a red hot stone and I'm pretty sure I saw him blush. That's weird, I think, why would he be embarrassed?

As we all grab the boot it starts spinning wildly in circles as we are lifted into the air. I am momentarily blinded and suddenly laying down in a field overflowing with tents. I must have fallen and that is only confirmed when I see Cedric standing on his feet offering me a hand to help me up with a big ol' smirk on his face. I thrust my hand into his and say

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