Chapter 4: The First Task

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Ever since they say they chose the champions I've spent more time with Cedric but he's still been spending an uncomfortable amount of time with Cho. Ron is very upset at Harry for putting his name in, but he didn't put it in. I'm at the black lake with Harry, Dawn, and Naomi. Neville is here so he is reading a plant book or something.

"Do you have any idea what the first task is?" I ask Harry coming up beside him

"No, not at all. You?" he asks picking up a rock and skipping it on the lake

"I wouldn't be asking if I knew," I say, trying to skip a rock as well. It doesn't work.

"Come on Dawn and Naomi let's go find Hagrid," I say to them

We head to Hagrid's hut. It takes a while but finally we get there.

"Hey Hagrid" we all say when he opens the door

"Hey Eliana! Dawn, Naomi. What are you all doing down here this time a day" he asks

"We heard you wanted to talk to harry from Professor Moody" I say "but Harrys not here"

"Oh tell Harry to come to the forbidden forest tonight and bring yer cloak" he says

I wonder why we need to go to the forest. Maybe it's a warning about the task or something. I look at Naomi confused. She looks as confused as I am.

"Uh okay I'll tell Harry" I say confused but I go with it. I see Harry on the way back and tell him.

"Oh Harry, Hagrid wants you to meet him in the forbidden forest later tonight...something about the tournament" I say before leaving "I have your cloak ready to go and I'm going to come too just because I'm bored"

"Okay I'll be ready in an hour" Harry says before I head upstairs

I grab the cloak and meet Harry in the common room. He has the Marauders Map in one hand and his wand in the other. I have the cloak and my wand.

"Ready" I ask Harry as we step through the portrait hole

"Yep, let's put on the cloak," says Harry, taking the cloak and putting it over us.

We walk around the castle with the cloak on the map. Making sure there isn't anyone around us. We make our way to the forest where we pull off the cloak and find Hagrid.

"Hagrid, what did you want to talk to us about?" Harry asks, putting the map away.

"Oh the first task" says Hagrid calmly. "Oh quick put the cloak on"

We put the cloak on again and step back. Madam Maxime is coming over here. Hagrid has his hair combed with gel in it. He also has a flower on his shirt. They talked about never forgetting her and gross romantic stuff. Harry stuck his tongue out in a disgusted way. It was hard not to laugh. Madame Maxime steps away and Harry pulls the cloak down so our heads are visible. In front of us are four different dragons. Dragons! They have to battle a dragon!

"Dragons! That's the first task?" Harry says nervously

"Yeah, I brought them over from Romania today," Says Hagrid, turning around to see us. "Didn't Ron tell you?"

"No He didn't tell me a thing" Harry said saltily

"They have to fight a dragon!?" I yell a little too loud

"Shhh yes" Says Hagrid trying to calm me down "you two better get back to bed though" he continues

"Okay bye Hagrid" Harry and I say before slipping the cloak over and leaving

We decide to head back to the castle since it's getting late and we can't be out alone late. I get back to my dorm and set out Harry's cloak and my wand so I can easily grab it once everyone is asleep. Harry still isn't back. He might be in by the fire. I sneak down the stairs quietly and of course I'm right. He's talking to my father Sirius Black about a dream.

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