Chapter 5: A Night Under the Lights

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Cedric, Naomi, Dawn and I are heading to our next class. Mcgonagall is teaching us to formally dance because there is a ball coming up and we can't be and I quote " behaving like a babbling, bumbling bunch of baboons." I look for a partner to dance with and I find Cedric. He missed his house's dance class because of interviews so he joined the Gryffindors to learn.

"Hey Cedric, come dance with me!?" I shouted as I wave him over

"Why not Ellie?" he says with a smile.

We find a spot and try to dance "formally". Cedric is an amazing dancer unlike Harry who is constantly stepping on Cho's feet. I lightly laugh pointing it out to Cedric. I'm not a bad dancer myself but could use some work.

"Okay okay try again-" we start dancing again but i mess up. "Gosh I'm terrible at this" I laugh before we try again.

"You're getting it" he says laughing. My eyes were glued to my feet trying to get the steps right. After a few minutes we get the hang of it.

I see that Naomi has paired up with George Weasley and Dawn has paired up with Fred since Draco isn't in our class. After class I said goodbye to Cedric, I headed over to Harry, Hermione, Dawn, and Naomi.

"I saw you with Cedric today," Naomi said, looking at me with a teasing look.

"I was just dancing with him for a partner" I say back "and he's my best friend, no big deal."

"You sure because I think he thought it was a big deal" Hermione says smiling. "He couldn't take his eyes off you"

"While smiling like an idiot," Naomi added.

"What? Do you think he is going to ask me out or something?!" I say jokingly. Meanwhile Harry is just listening to this drama as he calls it.

"Yes! I do think he will!" says Dawn back. I blush crazily and they notice.

"So you do like him," Hermione says after a second.

"Maybe....." I say, trying to quickly change the subject. Then I hear footsteps coming from behind me. I turn quickly around to see Cedric.

"Hey Ellie!" he says as he starts to walk with us. While we walk he casually puts his arm around my shoulders. He started to put his arm around my shoulders now more often when we walk. All three of them shot me an "I told you so" glance and we kept walking. As I walked with Cedric I could smell butterscotch. One of the things I smelled in the amortentia.

We talk about random stuff like the tournament and the ball and our classes. I stop next to the door into the Gryffindor common room. I turn to Cedric and said

"I should probably get ready for dinner"

"okay can we hang out some more later like tomorrow?" he asks.

"Sure that'd be nice," I said .

I give him a hug and go inside. Hermione, Dawn and Naomi are inside already.

"Ummmm SPILL!" says Dawn, sitting anxiously. We were sitting in front of the fire, where normally me and Harry go to talk to my father and his Godfather Sirius. I really like Cedric. He's nice, funny, and just fun to be around. I acted like I didn't care but I was secretly hoping he would ask me to go to the yule ball with him. I went to dinner then straight to bed because I was so tired today.

The next day I woke up to the sound of Hermione telling me I'm going to be late for breakfast. I must have overslept since i normally wake up first.

"Ellie?! Eliana!? Wake up, it's almost breakfast!" She says jostling me up.

I quickly scramble out of bed and get dressed and ready. I head down to breakfast and sit with Naomi and Dawn. Cedric comes over and talks to me for a while. We decided to meet up after classes in the courtyard.

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